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"And then I held him by his ankle and started dragging him around the ballroom, it was so funny Father you should've seen his face." They were all sitting at the end of a long dining table, listening to Niki as he recalled his day with one of his friends, Sunoo — a servant that the twins both knew he had a (very much requited) crush on.

"Why the long face, Mother?" Yeji asked the woman beside her, noticing the frown on her face. Snapping out of her thoughts, she lifted her eyes to find her family staring at her. "Nothing much, just a few reports of this mysterious figure running through a couple of villages in a cloak, really unusual... and unsettling." she leaned back in her chair with a sigh.

"Let's just wait and see, I'm sure everything will be just fine," Hyunjin said, leaning across the table to hold one of his mother's hands softly. "I'm sure it will. Now, if everyone's finished, we should get going, we have a busy day." Everyone stood one at a time and made their way out, Niki staying behind to thank Ms. Kim for the food, with Yeji snickering and muttering a 'simp' as they left.


Hyunjin went straight to his bedroom, flopping himself on his king-size bed and staring at the ceiling. His siblings had things to do, however, he did not, so bored out of his mind he decided he would finish one of his sketches until he felt it. Someone staring at him. He slowly stood, taking a look around his room to make sure nobody was there. It was empty, which meant only one possibility. He inched his way across the room to the window, seeing his open curtains. He slowly opened it. One click, then two, the eerie atmosphere still lingering. And as he pulled it open...

A boy popped up in front of him.

Just as he was about to scream, said boy reached out to cover the prince's mouth as he crawled through the window. "DON'T SCREAM!! Please I promise it's important just don't scream." He removed his hand from the other's mouth and carefully pulled back the hood of his cloak. If Hyunjin hadn't been wide-eyed before, he surely was now. He looked the boy up and down, his dark blue cloak with a sun-shaped pin holding it around his body, his sharp eyes and jawline, platinum blond hair, and his...

His pointy ears.

"It's you... you're the mysterious figure people have been reporting..." The taller whispered more to himself.

"Is that what they've been calling me? Not gonna lie I kind of expected something a bit more epic and-"

"What do you want?" His cold, stoic expression was now glaring at the elf. "Calm down, pretty boy, I-"

"If you're here to capture me or try to steal information I suggest you leave before I pull out my sword and-"

"WOAH CALM DOWN! I swear I'm not looking for trouble! I just need your help." The elf waved his hands around to finally call his attention. "My help? Why would an elf need my help?"

"Well you see, the Ancient Ones are planning to kill you're family and-"

"They are WHAT?"

"Just listen!" Little prince boy was starting to get on his nerved, "They are planning to take over the enchanted staff once chaos ensures after they kill your family, so I-"

"But we don't have the staff."

"CAN YOU STOP INTERRUPT- wait what?" Suddenly the blond felt absolutely thrown off.

"We don't have it, we never did."

"What?! But how?"

"Rumors say the ones who took it from Mount Lirio hid it somewhere magic or something."

"Oh Moon Goddess please help me- Okay, change of plans, I need your help to find the staff and THEN return it to the mountain."


"Before you say no, elven magic is weakening because we're not connected to Lirio anymore, and once we run out, Nature herself will start destroying things — including your kingdom." He finished with a much more serious expression than when he walked in the room, slightly leaning towards the prince.

"... Fine, I'll go, but how are you so sure of all of this?"

"Because the sun is the source of life, and if it decays, sun elves are the first to feel it."


Bound Souls | h.hj & y.jiNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ