Your eyes shinned bright as your smile. You walked downstairs to see Leon there staring at you.

You blew him a kiss and walked out the door.

It was your time, you took yourself out on a date. You needed it.

You felt a pair of eyes on you. Eren didn't even try to hide the fact that he was staring. You felt like you again.

You called Evangeline, you needed your best friend at a time like this. You couldn't imagine sitting by yourself at dinner looking like you got stood up.

"Hey Evangeline. Get ready, dress hot. We're going out for dinner." You texted her, you knew she already saw the message because she always had her read receipts on.


Thirty minutes later, Lina hopped in your car. It felt like old times. You noticed Leon calling your phone. You decided it was best to turn your phone off completely. Tonight was your night and it won't be ruined.

"You look so good" You said to Lina, examining her.

She wore a backless mini dress that complimented her curly ginger hair. She honestly looked amazing.

"Don't I always?" She remarked.

You drove to the restaurant and ordered a table for two. "Update me on your life." You told Evangeline, it's been awhile since the two of you last spoke. You avoided going over to their house since the big argument between you and Leon.

"Aaliyah and I ended things off a couple weeks ago." Lina said

"Oh my god really? I liked her. What happened?" You asked

"I dont want to talk about it. Lets just say she wasn't the one. Hows you and my brother" Lina asked, just being reminded of him made you frown. Before you could even respond, the server interrupted you.

"Hey ladies, my name is Jean. What drinks can I start you off with?" The tall gray haired man said, he was fairly attractive per se. His hair was in an undercut with his hair parted away from his eyes.

You felt Lina kick you from underneath the table. You bit your lip at the pain because you feared embarrassing yourself in front of the server. "I'll have 5oz of red wine, you can bring her a glass of scotch with a glass of water on the side" You said, maintaining hard eye contact.

"Alright, I'll be back with the drinks. You can order food whenever you're ready" He winked at the two of you.

"Oh my god he is so hot" Evangeline grinned.

"Girl weren't you just sad over Aaliyah a minute ago" You laughed.

"I can't blame you though, he is an eye catcher. His ass is shaped nice too." You said

"I'm going to get his number by the end of tonight. He's gonna take me home, just watch" Evangeline bit her lip.

You looked around and everyone here was fairly attractive. You notice a server eating some of the food before serving it to the customers. Her cheeks turn red once she notices you're looking at her. You laughed as she ran away, she reminded you, little child with her mouth stuffed like that.

"Aye. You didn't finish telling me about yourself. You decided to ghost us for like two weeks ya know." Lina said, snapping her fingers in your face.

"Ugh, where do I even begin." You rolled your eyes. "He's so insecure about this new neighbor we have. We literally argue anytime he sees us in the same place or even when I dress nice."

"He's a doucebag. Even if he's my brother. I already know that he's an asshole." Lina replied.

"No, you don't understand," You sighed. "Ever since I had Jana he's always attacking me. I can never catch a break"

"Don't make me mad Y/N" Lina said, you notice her legs start shaking. "This has been happening since Jana was born? And you're now telling me? Jana is almost 7 months old. SEVEN MONTHS Y/N" Lina started to get angry. You knew you weren't in a good position now. She would never let this go.

"We're in public Evangeline. Stop." You said sternly

Just in time, Jean came back in time. "Seems like someones getting hangry" He smiled, placing the drinks down between the both of you.

"Maybe I can get a piece of you tonight" Lina remarked. One thing about Evangeline is that she is bold. Very bold.

"If you calm yourself down i'll let you know. I finish at 12." He winked. He was gone again.

"Guess you don't need to bring me home" Lina laughed.

I swear this girl is bipolar.

"Anyways, You need to stand up yourself. If anything comes to shove, Call me and i'll be there. Divorce his ass if you need to" She chugged the scotch down her throat.

No matter what, she always had your back. "What do you think your family would do"

"Uh, i'm not sure. I dont think they'd hate you or anything. Leon would definitely get shitted on by Max and Theo, we all love you too much." She responded.

That lighted up the tension a little bit. Knowing you would still have some family. If anything bad happened.

Later in the night, you and Lina parted ways. She had her location on just in case this Jean guy wasn't legit. You already had a picture of his license plate just in case.

You parked outside your house and noticed Leons car hadn't been moved all day. As you opened the car door, the familiar dry wood scent of weed. Its 1am who would even be up at this time? You questioned.

You look around to see Eren outside smoking. Shirtless once again with his hair tied up.

"It runs in the family" His sentence completely threw you off guard.

"What?" There was no way you were staring at his man again.

"I can feel your eyes on me" He turned his body, facing you. The streetlight is refraining you guys from complete darkness.

"You looked nice by the way. I'm telling you that because I know your husband didn't" His face was emotionless.

"What?" You were oblivious to it all. The wine in your system made you completely forget that the walls were so thin. He's heard every argument the two of you have had.

"It's sad a complete stranger has to tell you that rather than your own husband" Eren said before finishing his spliff and going inside. Not batting another eye at you.

You stood there in complete shock. It took you awhile to finally collect your thoughts and head inside. He wasn't wrong. You don't even remember the last time Leon complimented you, let alone slept with you. It was ages.

"Where did you go." Leon said.

He waited all this time waiting for you to get home.

"You were with him again weren't you" He got him from the couch, hovering over you. He had a few inches on you in height and in weight.

"I don't owe you an explaination" you spat. You slid your heels off. Your feet aching from dancing around drunkingly with Evangeline.

Leon grabbed your wrist firmly.

Here we go again.

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