"Absolutely not!" Crowley exclaimed.

(Author: No one asked u Crowley, but okay ig-)

"How could I let a monster live anywhere at my school?!" Crowley said.

Roxana glared at him. 'So annoying.' She thought. She was sincerely trying her absolute best to not summon her butterflies and have them get rid of Crowley.

So she just smiled instead. "Headmaster. I promise I'll take care of him. So can you allow him to stay here?" Roxana asked with the nicest tone possible while emitting a menacing air around her.

"... Oh well. Since you seem so desperate, I'll allow this monster to stay here... for I am gracious." Crowley said.

Roxana smiled at his response. "Thank you headmaster." She said before looking at Malleus who was watching them with Lilia.

"But Malleus, do you allow Grimm to stay here?" She asked.

Malleus then smiled. "As long as you can keep him under control." He said.

"I see. I definitely will keep him under control." Roxana told him. For a second, Grimm felt a cold feeling run down his spine.

"Anyways, I came to give you a Diasomnia uniform Ms. Roxana." Crowley said before giving her the uniform. The uniform looked exactly the same as the other students, but there was a skirt instead of pants. It also came with a pair of black knee-high socks.

Roxana just stared at the uniform silently.

"... Do you not like it Ms. Roxana?" He asked.

"It's fine. It's just very different from the clothes back at Agriche." She said.

"Oh. Back at the Agriche Dukedom?"

Grimm suddenly jumped. "Wait- DUKEDOM?!" Grimm exclaimed.

"Oh? Are you the daughter of a Duke?" Lilia asked.

"Yes. I am." Roxana said.

"Well, I guess those clothes might be weird for you to wear since you're a noble that's not from this world." Malleus said.

"Then should I ask for your uniform to be designed differently?" Crowley asked.

"What? No, that's unnecessary." Roxana replied.

"Hmm... I see. Well, school is almost starting! So I'll have to get going now!" Crowley told them before walking to the door. But before leaving, he turned back to look at Roxana. "Also, you and the raccoon can just explore the school for today. But don't disturb the classes, and don't go into rooms you're not allowed to go in." He told them.

Roxana smiled with her eyebrows furrowed. "I'm not stupid."

Crowley moved his gaze to Grimm before pointing at him. "Well, the raccoon is."

"Hey! I'm not stupid! And I'm not a raccoon!!" Grimm yelled.

Crowley stared at him as if he heard the most stupidest thing come out of his mouth before smiling like he never heard him. "Well, I have to go now!" He yelled before walking off, leaving Malleus, Lilia, Roxana, and Grimm in the room.


Roxana then spoke up. ".... Well, I'll go change now." She said before walking to the bathroom. She then changed out of her nightwear and put on the uniform.

'It feels weird wearing something like this.' Roxana thought while looking at her reflection in the mirror. The skirt she was wearing was very short compared to the skirts back at where she lived. Over there, it was considered improper and slutty to wear a skirt that stopped above your knees.

A Poisonous Butterfly || Roxana Agriche × Twisted Wonderland Where stories live. Discover now