Chapter Two:- Prince Of Darkness

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"Would anything else be more deserving for a son of a whore, lawliet? Ahhh, my lawlipop, you might be the greatest of all detectives, but you fit here like hell...bwahahaha!"
Wearing a cruel smirk on his lips, The god of the new world ran his fingers through the black, dense hair of the boy, lying half conscious under his warm body. L, the greatest detective of the world, today is nothing but a plaything for him. The boy's hands are tied to the bed. Defeated, devastated, derogated. Crimson bite marks scattered here and there on his neck, chest, belly...dry marks of spilled blood bearing witness to the fresh act of sodomy.  Prize for opposing the God. The self proclaimed God, Kira, kept staring at his his broken, wounded doll, with disdainful eyes. L, once his most intimidating rival, his arch nemesis! L was just few steps away from demolishing Kira's painstakingly erected empire, almost by standing alone. But Kira has two aces up his sleeve, death note and a beautiful woman with shinigami eyes named Misa, he is literally invincible! Misa told him the real name of L. The once vaunted is now on it's knee in front of kira's demonic possession. L is nothing but a sex slave of Kira! 20 years old Light Yagami bursted into his iconic laughter, once who held himself as the kindest student of Japan. What has transformed him into this? Death Note? Victory? Power? Or the helpless condition of this stubborn, emotionless, mysterious detective L?
Sweaty locks on his forehead, head tilted to one side, chest heaving with painful effort, tears still rolling down his blemished cheeks let out during the vigorous lovemaking of Light. L breathed a soft whimper.
"My lawliet! If you would know how beautiful your body is, you could never neglect it this much!"
Releasing L's hands, Light took his face in his strong grasp, and planted a rough, dominating kiss on his bruised lips.
"Open your eyes L! Don't act like you're senseless."
L did not open his eyes, but closed it even more firmly, making the lines of hatred on his face entrenched deeper.
Fine! Kira knows how to tame a tiger. He suddenly stooped upon L and choked his throat with his devilish hands.
"Aaaghh!!" L's voice got stifled, he started struggling hard, pushing Light back with his skinny, feeble hands, trying his best to set himself free from Kira's grasp. But after nights of starvation and a two hours long forceful sexual intercourse, it was almost impossible for him to surpass Kira's demonic power. He started throwing his legs up and down, eyes wide open, madly gasping for some air. Light was grinning morbidly, enjoying each and every detail of breaking down of this unbreakable detective. Finally he moved his hands from L's throat, letting him breath with immense mercy. L panted heavily, coughing and gasping hard.
"Need an oxygen cylinder, lawlipop?" Light asked in an extreme soft voice, but the sarcasm hidden in his tone made L desire his own death.
"Good boys listen to master, hmm? Now let me sleep for a while."
Patting lightly L's cheek, Light turned to the other side and lay down. Staring blankly at the celling, L too fell asleep.when he woke up, he noticed light still sleeping peacefully. His eyes are almost covered with silky brown locks of hair, Pretty face filled with contentment of dominating his supposedly indomitable enemy. Half of his naked body is covered with blanket, sinewy structure of the rest is easily able to captivate someone's eyes. Girls are after him, Misa sacrificed her whole life just to get an ounce of his love! And what on Earth brings happiness to this man? Nothing, but crushing this skinny, pale, homeless, friendless, weird detective inbetween his hands! L suddenly felt an emptiness inside his chest. He took his eyes off his light, and threw his glance upon the small mirror placed on the table beside the bed. With dark circle under each eye, his mirrored self was looking at him, as if penetrating his soul. Why it's always him ? Why? What does he possess? He is weird, unnatural, inhuman. Neither handsome like light, nor engrossing. Then? What's the light of attraction which drags closer  even his truculent enemy like a petty insect? What's the true reason of Light Yagami's sexual torture inflicted on him? Revenge? Humiliation? It doesn't seem that much easy to L. And L doesn't make mistake easily. That's his fear.
"Sleep is not your thing, huh?"
L startled a little, looked at Light. Light is in a half sitting, half lying position, staring at L with a soft, pitiful smile, as if an elder watching a child.
"Have you been sitting since then?"
"No...had a lil sleep..." L answered in his characteristic low mumbling voice, avoiding eye contact, scratching his head awkwardly.
"Oh! Slept? Excellent! Hey, where're you going? Listen L, I just had an wonderful dream...wanna hear?"
L was about to get out of bed, Light grabbed his skinny wrist.
"I saw light everywhere Lawliet, dazzling light all, Light Yagami floating in an ocean of Light, I was so towering as my head was touching the sky, people were huddling near my feet, so tiny, like liliputs! They were all cheering, screaming, "Hail lord Kira! Hail lord Kira!"! What do you think L? Is it some kind of foreshadowing? Ahh, why don't I watch dreams like this everyday?"
Describing the dream, Light kept looking at L with a gleeful demeanor . But his eyes were sharp, keen... examining every micro expression on L's face. But it is next to impossible to catch L's thoughts. Just a few minutes ago who was trying to avoid eye contact with light, now reciprocated with a cold, steady, inscrutable stare for 15 seconds straight, causing light to feel a bit uneasy. L suddenly thawed the ice with an absolutely normal voice, "Light, release my hand, I need to go to the bathroom."
Light collected himself in lighting speed.
"That's ok lawlipop, but tell me first, What was your dream? I mean, if there was really anything else but cake pastry!" Light chuckled like a naughty kid.
"Yes it was all about cake-pastry. Now please let me go!"
"You little lier!" Light got up on his knees and hugged L tightly by his waist.
"I'll never let you go! Understand? Now, tell me what on earth came in your dream? Hurry up!"
This prankish, flirtatious teenager Light Yagami is too hard to imagine as the nefarious Kira. But L knows, just like there was a specific solution to transform Mr. Jekyll into Hyde, Light too has something to transform himself into Kira. L's stubbornness, L's obstinacy.
"Won't you tell me, L?" Pulling him closer, Light pressed his fingers lightly on L's throat. L took it as a warning. He let out a heavy sigh, then started,
"My dreams don't show me so much light as yours do, light...I saw that dark house in that dark alley from my childhood, where my mom was dressing me up to send me to that orphanage. Spine chilling cold outside, knee deep ice...cold, frost, darkness all over the world!..." After a little silence, he pulled himself back from his memory and continued, "you're upset because you can't have the same dream everyday...and here I keep thinking why should I always have this unwanted dream every fucking day! Strange, innit?"
Light was stunned. Unknowingly he lost control over his grab on L's body. L didn't spend a word farther, just took his clothes scattered on floor, and entered the bathroom.

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