"Okay" i said i changed feathers appeared on my skin my arms became massive wings

"Are you sure you're able to fly with me and our supplies?" she said, looking at me doubtfully. "I mean we need to fly a good distance"

"If i can't i will at least egt us farther and faster than we would on foot" i said right before my beak changed. She packed up the stuff then got on my back. She gripped my feathers tightly but I didn't complain. I leaped and flew in the air as I went over the trees.

After about an hour passed I had to stop. My wings were in pain. I swooped down and landed in a pretty tall tree.

"You can sleep" rain said "i slept a bit on your back"

"Alright" i layed down and went to sleep

When I woke up the next day, Rain had gathered some fruits from the forest. "Breakfast is served!" she said, giving me a small cup full of crushed fruits.

"Thank you" I grabbed the fruit thankfully and ate once we were both finished. I changed into a bird. Rain got on my back like last time and we flew through the air. My wings flapped and I could tell the rain was asleep after a while. During the flight I grabbed a fish from the river gulping it down. When we got farther down the river I saw a huge castle.

It was very pretty but it was so far from here I saw the volcano and wondered if it was even worth going there. I mean we were going to be killed anyway.

"Rain wake up" i said with a squawk at the end, she stirred and then i heard a whisper in my ear

"Drop me on the roof and distract them" i dropped her carefully and noticeably on the roof they figured out i was there and as i flew they shot at me. I saw Rain quickly climb down and sneak attack one of the guards. The other two changed their aim and started to shoot and attack in the rain. I dived and speared one of the guards with my long beak.

"This bird is.." the guard said before he died. With that distraction Rain was able to kill the last guard with fire. We threw the guard into the river and hoped that the people saw it, that way they would know that their guards were destroyed.

"We should rest, i should rest" i corrected

"Yes i'll get us some food," she slid down the tower i saw a cut on her arm before she left. As I changed, my skin became hot and dry for some reason. I'm using my power too much. I thought while trying to fall asleep.

"Wake up brat, get on the road" my sister yelled in my face she gave me a bag that was pretty heavy and pushed me out the door. I walked for hours toward the sun. I never changed direction..

I woke up in terror.

"Are you alright Celesta? Rain said, her face showing concern. "We can go now is that's what you want" she said

"We have to walk" i said with a raspy voice as if id been exercising "i've used my power too much"

"Oh okay" she said, packing up our stuff. We didn't talk while we walked. Somehow it wasn't as awkward as I thought. I saw the trees as they looked carefully placed. I saw the dirt. It was more dusty and crusty than I knew it should be. The ground underneath my feet crunched and shrubs started to get in our path

"Rain?" I tried but the crackling and thundering muted my voice. I heard a muffled voice but I knew I wouldn't be able to hear what she had said. Dust clouded my view of what was happening. Then I saw a rock rolling down the volcano. It was coming closer and closer to me! "Rain!" I tried again but that's when ash clouded my lungs. I didn't think she heard me so I started to run toward the trees. I used the little energy I had to turn into my bird form. I flew up in the air over the massive dust cloud. I saw movement inside it and dived. My claws felt some kind of cloth and I lifted them. The object was very heavy.

The Story of the Blind BatWhere stories live. Discover now