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     Tommy followed Ghostbur through the snow, poking at the blue the other had handed them as they traveled. Tommy hated this, not knowing what was going on, being clueless, being helpless. Being Useless. He glanced up, his steps faltering as he saw plumes of smoke drifting lazily into the sky. A chimney. Were they nearing the place where this Techno person lived? Ghostbur spoke up, answering Tommy's unspoken question. "We're nearly there Tommy, his house is just over this hill." He said quietly. Tommy nodded, picking up his slowed pace to match the quicker, more anxious pace Ghostbur had adopted since he found Tommy earlier. They made it to the top of the hill, Tommy hesitated, now nervous to meet this person. Ghostbur seemed to believe that Tommy would be safe with them...

     But what if Techno didn't like Tommy? What if Tommy annoyed him? Or said the wrong thing? Would they kick him out? Would they yell at him?

   Would they hurt him?

     Tommy took in a shaky breath and followed Ghostbur down to the house, the older ghost didn't hesitate to knock on the door. For a moment, nothing happened, they just simply stood there, Tommy with baited breath as he waited for the door to open. Then came the soft sound of shuffling, and the door hesitantly swung open with an irritating squeak. Tommy froze, his body tensing with fear as he saw the figure standing before him. They stood taller than Tommy, not by too much but it still made Tommy feel small compared to the man. He had long pink hair weaved into intricate braids down his back, and his pointed ears were draped in a multitude of gold earrings. Tommy stood there, feeling as if he should know him, he felt familiar, he felt safe, but dangerous at the same time...and Tommy couldn't remember a goddamn thing about him. 

   Techno's gaze immediately fell on Ghostbur as he opened the door, not yet noticing the second ghost standing quietly behind the older. "Oh hey Ghostbur, wasn't expecting to see you here today." Techno said monotonously. " Yeah uh-Well, I brought someone with me..." Ghostbur said, stepping to the side to reveal the blonde standing behind him. "He uh-" "Tommy?..." Ghostbur was cut off by Techno as soon as he saw Tommy, his eyes widening in shock as he took in the youngest's state. Techno looked to Ghostbur, who just quietly nodded. "How...did you die...?" He said, carefully putting a hand on Tommy's shoulder. Tommy froze at that, quickly pulling away from the older. "Who the fuck are you?" He said, his voice trembling.

     And that sentence didn't hurt Techno. No way. It's not like something in his chest ached painfully as the blonde said he didn't remember him. "I..." Techno took in a breath, composing himself. "I'm your fami- friend. I'm a friend." To Techno's relief, Tommy seemed to relax at that, although it didn't do much to ease the lingering fear the shone in the blonde's eyes. Ghostbur cut in, quickly speaking up. "Tech, have you got any healing potions, he was stranded in a snowstorm by himself before I found him and I don't have anything to hel-" "Yeah, come in." He interrupted, letting them inside as he made his way to the potion chest. He crouched down by the chest, sorting through the potions as chat argued about the situation.


We need to help him!

He's an orphan.

Orphan alert!

Help him!

Punt that child into a wall!

He's dead! A ghost!

He's just a kid!

We should've saved him...


He's not an Orphan! He's Tech's brother moron!

Yeah moron!



why tf are you o7???

idk lol o7



Help him!

Help Tommy!

Help your brother Tech!

Technobro lol


Help Tommy!

      Techno grabbed a healing potion, walking quickly over to Tommy as the voices urged him on. Ghostbur had Tommy sit down on the couch as Techno walked over, uncorking the potion. Tommy fidgeted nervously, "What is that?" He said hoarsely, his voice still raw from when it had burned in the snow storm. "It's a potion, you need to drink it." Techno said, reaching out to give Tommy the bottle. Tommy didn't take it, instead scooting away from Techno, his eyes wide in distrust and fear. The piglin sighed, his brows furrowed in concern. "It's just a healing potion, it'll help the pain." Ghostbur walked over, putting a reassuring hand on Tommy's shoulder, "It's okay Tommy, Techno was like a brother to you before some...stuff happened. He won't hurt you." With that, Tommy hesitantly grabbed the bottle from Techno's hands. "Fair warning, it'll make you pretty tired. My guess is that you'll fall asleep, but your wounds won't hurt as badly by the time you wake up again." Tommy nodded wearily, gulping down the faintly glowing potion.

      Tommy was surprised at the immediate warmth that spread through him after drinking the potion, easing his wounds, and wrapping his mind in a warm fuzzy blanket. His eyes drooped and his shoulders sagged as the tension leaked out of them. He felt a warm, rough hand move to grab the potion bottle from his hand, he let them take it, glancing up through half lidded eyes to see Techno crouched next to him. 

     Tommy tensed up. No. Techno wasn't safe, he can't trust him this is bad- not good, not good, dangerous...why...why wasn't Techno safe again? Techno was helping Tommy, he had let him into his home. Hadn't yelled, hadn't even hit him. Still, there was a lingering sense of fear festering in Tommy's chest, but as he leaned against the couch arm, the pain he felt from the storm gone, Tommy couldn't bring himself to care.  


Ayooo Tsuki here-

Ik that they aren't canonically related, but in this Tech internally see's Tommy as a little brother...and...CMON MAN ITS BEDROCK BROS!

(If u saw typos no u didn't <3)


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