" Yes Yes YES ! " Zee shouted & ran to hug new.

Both hugged each other tightly  for sometime then zee lifted new up & spinned him around earning giggles from younger. 

" Hiaa.   ..Stop... Iam feeling dizzyyy " New said giggling & holding zee tightly.  Zee slowly put new down on ground . Both looked at eachother . Zee started to kiss new's face making younger giggle continuously untillllll ......................

" P ZEE " birth turned their heads in shock . Both sighed in releaf seeing Tutor&Yim  there .

" WHAT ? " Both shouted in unision causing Tutoryim shake in fear . They knew they messed up now.  Nee will surely kill them both. 

" You little kids how many times i told you to knock before entering " Zee glared at both of them & snaked his hand around new's waist . New was still glaring at both of them . His hands were crossed over his chest & his face was like he will surely beat tutoryim until they listened a knock . All stood straightly & zee said to come in. 

" Khun pruk khab Ms . Sai told you to meet her as soon as possible including Khun Chawarin & TutorYim . " Poppy said bowing . All noded & left from there. 

New's pov

e all ran downstairs & saw P'Sai , P'Saint , P'Max , Perth &  few employees  in a glass room discussing something . All looked tense . We ran inside & P sai told us to sit first. 

" what happened ? " Hia Zee asked sitting beside P'sai & i sat beside hia

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" what happened ? " Hia Zee asked sitting beside P'sai & i sat beside hia . All sat down.

" Khun Pruk khab we got problem & there is a rumor too ! " One of the employee said .

" What is it Lem ? " hia asked .

" Khun Actually we got a problem with dealers . They suddenly decided to back out from the contract!  " Lem said .

"  WHAT!  " Hia shouted in anger & stood up . Honestly it scared me . I kinda started to shiver but i stood up to calm him .

" Hia ca-lm down pleas-e!  " I said shuttering . He looked at me & saw iam shivering a little .

" Khot hor nong. " He said & i noded . We both sat down .

" What do you mean they are backing out at last moment  lem!!! ? " Hia asked the girl lem. .

" We dont know khun pruk . We got that message just now ! They are saying that they arent sure that you can deal this contract & its consequences!  But if any other company can give them hope that you can deal with anything then they wont leave  . They said it themselves " Lem said. 

BE MINE LOVE Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora