chapter 9

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Your pov

"Well"said Marianne "you got me to leave my castle clever girl"wait what happend when i was gone "but wasn't it your idea?" "It was your idea! And follishly trusted you" then roland spoke up still holding my arm "wait a minute are you"he then shudders

"are you actually having a lovers'tiff right now?"then turned away "that is so disgusting it's interesting but disgust-" "roland you are such a-!" "Hero!here to rescue you from...what did you call him? A scaly-backed cockroach"he then did wierd sounds and wierd things with his fingers what the heck is wrong with this guy "is that the guy?" "Ughh"

"Okay okay tell me what's happening!"i shouted at both of them "y/n um we had a little moment" "yeah you did so let me go you pig looking creep!"i shouted at roland "not until i get the princess-es"i groaned

then i saw Marianne's sister dawn i think her name is "yay!"she then ran to bog and hugged him "my boggy-woggy kingy-wingy!"she giggles well this is awkward "oh i wish i didn't see that" "this isn't i didn't mean for any of this to happen"

"Of course,uh i will be taking both princess" "that wasn't the deal!"i heard marianne struggle with the goblins then he opend the love potion and was about to throw it on marianne till bog screamed

"no!"roland flew away still holding me arm "hey let go your hurting me!" "Not till i get the princesses"i then saw roland take out his sword and charge at bog

Luckly he let of my arm so i could fly away i then saw bog and roland fighting i then tried to fly to marianne to help her but i felt someone grab my wrist and spin me around i then felt a someone cold and long i looked down it was a sword i looked back seeing roland

"Hurt me she dies!"this made bog gasp
I looked at him with fear i then heard someone charge at us i looked over seeing marianne roland held his sword forward so he can't get hurt

While this was happening i headbutted roland and then flew away i saw mom so i flew over to her and hugged her

"Oh my baby your okay!"she said clearly worried "go!!"i heard roland scream making me confused

I heard banging oh no what is happening!! I grabbed mom and flew her out of the castle so she won't get hurt i then looked back seeing bog still isn't out i saw bog at the entrance then it collapsed

"Bog!!"i screamed crying "my son!"i hugged mom and started crying i saw marianne cry i walked over and looked down seeing just black then i heard wings fluttering

wait i looked up seeing bog "bog!!"i said flying over to him and hugged him i swear i heard "ow!" " i thought i lost you!"i said to him hugging him tight "im fine now y/n and you are to"he said hugging me back i pulled away and smiled he landed with me on the floor then mom came running "my boy!"she hugged him "ow!!" She then pulled his hand " out of the way move! move!" I rolled my eyes and smiled

"king coming through"mom lead him over to marianne i smiled then roland came out of nowhere and threw the potion on marianne where does he keep comong from!?then bog tried to charge at roland till sugar plum fairy stoped him "no no no patience"

Then marianne started singing oh c'monn!! Then she punched him the potion splashed onto roland well that should be fun

(So yeah i won't be making son part lol)

Bog and marianne "now it's ypur sister's turn for love!"i turned to mom with a wierd face "no!"shouted bog

bog king x Little!sister!readerUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum