Chapter 2

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*Jess P.O.V.*

After the Justice League saved me from my uncle, I passed out from shock and woke up almost a week later. "There she is. Awake at last," Wonder Woman said from my bedside. "Wonder Woman. What happened," I asked. "Please call me Diana," she said with a smile. "Diana. What happened," I asked. "You passed out from shock. You've been asleep for almost a week. When you are ready you can start learning to control your powers," she said. "Powers. What powers," I asked sitting up. "I went back to your home and found this in a box with your name on it among your uncle's belongings," she said handing me a old leather binded journal. "It's beautiful," I said grazing my hand along it. I opened it to see that it was a handwritten journal about fire control. "I have fire powers," I asked shocked. "It seems so. And I did some research for you too," Diana said. "Oh," I said looking at her. "Yes. It seems your mother was in line for a throne of her own. Making you third in line," she informed me."I'm royalty," I asked. "Yes you are," she said.

She then decided to leave and over the next few months I learned to control my powers. I was becoming more powerful by the day and I was progressing nicely. "So I was thinking of making you my protege," Diana said coming home from a mission one day. "Why the sudden interest," I asked. "Well, Batman wants to put together a team of the protegés and I want you to be mine," she said sitting down with me. "I feel like there's more to this," I said. "Always the observationist," she said with a laugh. "Well," I said. "It's your uncle. He got out somehow and we have reason to believe that he'll be after you," she said. "So how would me joining a team of under experienced kids keep me safe," I asked. "Because you would be with someone. I'm not always here with you and I promised you that I would protect you," she said. "Fine," I finally agreed. "Excellent. You'll get to meet the rest of the team tomorrow," she said with a smile.

The next morning I woke up and put on a pair of baggy jeans and a hoodie. "Ready," she called. "Yeah. Just a sec," I called back. I braided my hair into a single braid before joining Diana to go meet the rest of my team. We made our way into the city and we walked into the League's earth headquarters. I sat quietly waiting and then I heard some guys voices. "Hey. Wonder Woman," one greeted. "Lady Diana, to what do we owe the pleasure," another said. "I've come with a protege of my own," Diana said. "She agreed," Flash asked. "Yes. Come on over here," Diana waved to me. I joined her keeping my head down until I was spoken to. "She doesn't look like a protegé. Just a normal girl," the red arrow guy said. "Huh," I chuckled before throwing a fireball by his head purposely missing. "Hey. Are you crazy!? You almost hit me," he yelled at me. "But I didn't," I said with a straight face. "Jess this is Robin, Speedy, Kid Flash, and Agualad," Diana said pointing to each of them. I recognized Robin as Batman's, Speedy as Green Arrow's, Kid Flash as Flash's, and Aqualad as Aquaman's.

When I looked over at Aqualad I had to take a step back. "Jess. Jess what is it," Diana asked seeing my change in demeanor. "N-No," is all I could get out as the last fifteen years of trauma returned. "Those eyes. I-I'm sorry I can't," I said turning to walk away. "Jess. Talk to me dear," Diana said following me. "His eyes. Just like my uncle's," I said in between breaths. "Ok. Jess look at me," she said pulling me into another room. I looked at her and was struggling with my breathing. "Focus on your breathing," she said. I tried but no matter what I did the panic attack continued. "Jess. Deep breaths," she said. She paced the breaths an slowly I felt my heart rate go back to normal. "Better," she asked. I nodded my head in response. "Okay. I can promise you that Aqualad is not your uncle. He is a very kind boy and you will be safer with him and the other boys than with me," she assured me holding my shoulders. "Okay," I said before putting on a smile and going back out to the others.

"All good," Flash asked. "Yup. What's our first mission," I asked. "Getting to know eachother at the old mountain," Batman said. "You're kidding," Speedy complained. "It's not the worst idea. Us boys may know eachother, but we hardly know Jess," Aqualad said. "Are we even going to go on actually missions or is this all for show," Speedy complained causing us all to look at the adults. "Get to know each other first then we'll talk," Batman said emotionlessly.

The adults then proceeded to leave and soon Speedy had an outburst and it left the four of us to be a team instead of five. "So where's this old mountain that Batman talked about," I asked attempting to make conversation. "The Bahamas," Robin said. "What!? How are we supposed to get there," I asked. "Well there's flying or the Zeta Tubes," Kid Flash said standing awfully close to me. "Please step back," I said. He took a step away and I looked to the others. "I'm very good with directions so if you don't mind I'll meet you there," I said. I walked over to the computer and pulled up directions before going outside the building. I stripped out of my jeans and hoodie leaving me in my fire proof leggings and tank top. I flew to the mountain and when I saw it in view I saw a streak rushing through the water. I landed behind a rock near a cave entrance and put my jeans and hoodie back on just as Aqualad came walking to the entrance from the water.

His Abused Queen (Young Justice story)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt