Chapter 43- Morte Et Dabo

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"Gabriel. What's wrong?" I ask again, more urgently and forcefully. He starts to shake a little, causing people to give him pittiful looks. What the fuck is going on? Why won't anyone tell me? As I'm about to yell, he speaks up.

"J-Jack. He got b-bit" he chokes out through his rough throat, sniffling. A fresh set of tears fall out of his eyes. Fuck. No no no! He couldn't have. Couldn't they just chop the limb off? Assuming it's a limb. What the fuck happened?!

The silver spoon falls out of my hand, clanking against the metal bowl and splashing sauce on the table. Carol will clean it up. I push myself up, heading towards Jacks and Gabes cell in a purposeful walk. Not Jackson. Jackie. Not him. No. Gabe's probably joking. He is, after all, the trickster of this group.

I pull the white curtains aside hastily and step in, taking the view in. Jack has a bloody, wet towel pressed to his neck, his blue eyes open and looking straight at me. It's creepy to say the least. A shiver travels down my spine at record speed. I crouch down next to him and take a hold of his hand. It's cold. And chained to the bed by Rick's handcuffs.

This shouldn't have happened to him. If I wasn't a sissy and stayed in the prison instead of running to Daryl, he would have possibly been alive. He's going to die because of me.

I swallow the gigantic ball in my throat and take a shaky breath. "Jack I'm so... so sorry. This is all my fault. I shouldn't have taken you from that cottage." I whisper and look at the blue eyed angel. It's all me. How could I let him out of my sight? I should have protected him. I should have looked after him. I should have been there. It should have been me.

"It's n-not your fault, Diana." He chokes out, blood spluttering onto his chin in little messy droplets along with saliva. No. Please no. He can't die. Not today. Not tomorrow. Not any time soon. But the rational part of my mind tells me it's too late. That he's going to die anyway. No matter how hard I can try and save him.

His beautiful eyes glaze over and his grip on my hand loosens, his breathing stalling. Jackson Bruce is dead.

I stand up and pull my knife out of my right boot and position it at the side of his head. "I'm sorry, Jackie. Say hi to whoever's at the other side for me." I whisper as I eliminate the chances of him becoming a walker.

It's not the best thing to say. I don't even believe in satan or God or whatever bullshit higher power there is. This is all bullshit. Everything. The world, walkers, people. Everything. I fucking hate it. The world is a shit place and there's no more space for us humans left anymore.

This shouldn't have happened like this. He should have stayed with Gabe and been happy. He should have seen the baby grow up and give it piggy back rides. He should have been able to go on runs with me and bring little presents for Gabe.

I stand up and drop the bloody knife back down my black boot, walking out of the cell and taking my original seat back at the quiet table. They're still sitting there, clearly not having moved at all.

Glenn rubs my back in sympathy a little, before standing up along with Maggie and announcing that they're going on a run for the baby formula. I guess that's just an excuse to have sex, because we have shit tons of formula from Wallmart left over. I guess we did take it. How can they have sex when people from our group are dead? Okay Wow. I'm a fucking hypocrite.

But wait. Why didn't Daryl say that he was on a formula run yesterday? Why lie? Where did he go? That's shit. He probably has a valid excuse. An explainable one. Or he wants to get away from me. That's more likely. I'm probably getting too attached and he doesn't like it. He's not the type for clingy girlfriends.

"Be careful." I whisper under my breath and subconsciously tracks my arms under the table. No. I'm not going there. Not after seven years of hard work. No way I'm going to relapse. I've developed a strong mind and I'm not doing that ever again. I remember what I said to Daryl when he saw the cuts...

Georgian Redneckحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن