Not Alone

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Ben woke up to the feeling of being watched. Standing up slowly, he looked around his room to see that no one was there. 'That's was weird', he thought to himself, but choose to ignore the feeling that something was wrong.

A cold breeze drafted in through the open window. "I could have sworn I closed the window last night..." Ben wondered to himself. He didn't share his room with anyone else so there was no way anyone could have access to it. But once again, he disregarded it.

Slipping into his slippers, Ben exited his room, planning to annoy his little sister Bethany, who he was certain had cheated on their game of Monopoly the night before.

However, when he came across her room, he noticed she wasn't there. He checked the time on the hallway clock. Where could she possibly be at 5am in the morning? Her door was left open, her bed was unmade, and clothes and items were scattered all over the floor. Ben was confused. Not once has he ever seen the ten year old's room messy like this before. His sister had always thrived for organisation and cleanliness even at her young age. This was unusual. Ben took a step back, deciding to check on his parents.

Bursting into his parents room, Ben saw that it was left in the same condition as his sister's. He was starting to get worried. "Mom!" "Dad!", No reply. "Beth!!?", he yelled relentlessly. Running downstairs, he checked the living room, then the kitchen , but the silence continued. Racing to the basement is when it hit him. The pungent smell of fresh blood attacked his nose. He felt and overwhelming sense of dread building up in the pit of his stomach.

Slowly, he turned to see two terrifying words written on the wall... "Youre next". He knew what the substance dripping down the wall was. And he knew who it belonged to. But he could not bring himself to admit it.

Unexpectedly, he felt a sharp, burning pain at the back of his head.

And that was the last thing he remembered... before the world turned black.

The end.

 Not AloneOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora