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Jude sat at the table in front of The Big Squeeze waiting for his friends. He messed around on his phone, sipping a slushy. "Jude?" Caitlin called out. Jude looked up from his phone to the blonde haired girl in the lemon hat. "Yeah?" "Is it 1:30 yet?" she asked. Jude looked at the time. "1:31" Jude told her. Caitlin sighed as she took off the hat. "Thank god, this job gets so tiring some times." she said sitting at the table as well. "Shouldnt Jonesy be here soon?" Caitlin asked. Jude smiled at the thought. "Yeah." Caitlin noticed. "Jonesy really is your best friend isnt he." "Well I mean yeah. Ive known him since kindergarten." Caitlin eyes widened a bit. "Kindergarten?" she asked in disbelief. Jude nodded. "No wonder you always smile when someone brings him up." Jude had a confused expression. "What?" "Yeah. Every time someone brings up Jonesy when hes not around you smile." Jude was taken back a bit. Did he really do that? And was it really every time Jonesy wasnt around?


Jude started to think. He never remembered smiling whenever Jonesy's name was brought up. Did he do it without even realizing? Why was he even smiling at Jonesy's name? He was just a friend after all. Maybe because he was his best friend? Maybe he did that with all his friends names? But if he did, why didnt Caitlin point those out either? Was it just that he was closer to Jonesy? They did hang out the most. Jude eventually just shrugged it off. "Eh its probably nothing." he said. Jude knew it was probably more then just friendship. Not that he liked liked him or anything. I mean yeah he liked boys but he didnt like Jonesy. Did he?


Jude shook it off. He didnt want to over think it. Thats when Jonesy came. "Boo!-" Jonesy said, sneaking up on Jude from behind. Jude jumped. "Jesus Christ dude." he said. Jonesy snickered a bit before sitting down next to Jude. Jude smiled again and laid his head on Jonesy's shoulder. ((I feel like Jude would do that with all his friends expect for Nikki bc well- its Nikki-)) Jonesy laid his head on top of Jude's. "Where's Jen?" Caitlin asked. "She doesnt go on break for another 10 minutes." Jonesy said. "What about Wyatt and Nikki?" "Im right here." Nikki said walking to the table. "So where's Wyatt?" Jude asked. "He was sick today so he probably didnt come in." Jonesy said. Jude sighed. "Hope hes ok." Caitlin said. "Its Wyatt hes probably already better and now hes just taking the day off." Nikki said. "Oh Jude, have you seen those hot chicks at the food court?" Jonesy asked. "No I wasnt really looking at any chicks." "What? We always look at the girls." Jonesy said. Jude realized what he said. "Oh! You meant girls. I thought you were talking about the restaurant. But yeah I saw them." Jude lied. Jude hadn't told Jonesy about his sexuality yet. Let alone any of his friends. He didnt know if they would except him and he didnt want to take a risk.


"Ok?-" Jonesy said a little confused. Jonesy shook it off and moved on with the conversation. Jude started to zone out. ((Jude zones out a lot idgaf)) Thoughts ran through his mind. He thought of things he normally thought about when zoned out. For example; Food, what time he got off work, and what he would do at home. But this time. This time was different. After Caitlin pointed out Jude smiling, he couldnt stop thinking about it. The thought of him smiling of a simple name confused yet frustrated him. Why would he smile at something so small? Why would a name give him any sort of reaction!?! He started thinking of things to pull his mind off that and something to calm him down. He started to think of something. He started to think off Jonesy. The thought of Jonesy's voice calmed Jude. He felt comforted when around Jonesy. He always did after what happened in middle school.

[Flash back ((CW: bl00d and bullying))]

Jude quietly sobbed as he held his stomach. The two older boys towered over him and laughed. Blood dripped from his nose. His eye was swollen and purple. "Look at him! How pathetic." one of the boys said. Jude trembled. "Im sorry.." he mumbled. "What are you sorry for?" One of the boys asked. Jude stayed quiet. "Huh?! What are you sorry for!?!" The boy said, grabbing Jude's hair making him look up at them. More tears rushed down Jude's face. The boy pulled his hair harder. "Are you going to answer or just cry like a pussy?!" the boy yelled. "Im sorry for not doing as you asked.." Jude mumbled. "Louder." The boy demanded. "Im sorry for not doing as you asked!" Jude spoke up, crying harder.

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: May 02, 2023 ⏰

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