III: Gift-Giving

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• Bruce told Selina once that he had never had a Twinkie before, which then prompted her to scream "WHAT?!", look at him in disbelief for a minute, and then bolt for the nearest convivence store and get them both one. Its now tradition that every Saturday patrol has to start to a new "commoner" snack for Bruce to try.

• Even though Selina dislikes it when men give her expensive gifts for no reason (out of the fear that they are trying to buy her trust for unsavory reasons), she always accepts the gifts that Bruce give her because she knows they come from a place of love and that he would never try to win her over like that.

• Given that Selina had a rough childhood and grew up as a very low-class citizen, he always has the strong wanting to give her everything she wants (seriously, if she asked for the moon he would try to find a way to "arrange" that for her). However, he usually has to limit  himself to him not wanting to make Selina uncomfortable with the big prices and all that. But, when he does allow himself to splurge on her a bit, he always gets the best gifts. He also likes shopping for her because it gives him time to think about her and her looks, personality, and interests, and thinks of ways he can contribute to all three of those categories. 

The Batman: BatCat HeadcannonsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora