09| Complicated

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She found herself loitering by the kitchen, desperately in need of drowning out her thoughts and the stinging raw pain that clawed at her like hungry wolves ripping her heart to pieces.

"Master requires my services?"

Serpentine lifted her head to find the chrome robot in the comical Kiss the Chef apron that Jisoo and Jennie had given it. She cringed to see her reflection in its shiny metallic exterior, and cringed some more when the robot repeated its question, with the honorific 'Master' tagged on. Though Jennie had tried re-programming the bot (they had grabbed it on a whim from a tech mogul's dumpsite), Rox seemed hardwired to address its owner as 'Master'.

"I'm fine," Serpentine sighed, dismissing the robot. It gave a sound of acknowledgement then sped away, gears whirring as it attended to the task of washing up dishes (Jennie was forever complaining that they should get a dish-washer because it wasn't fair on Rox to be doing all the dirty work).

Serpentine wandered to a table and sat down with her head on her arms on the tabletop, replaying her conversation with Catalyst.

If only you could see yourself the way I see you.

What could Catalyst possibly mean by that?

She was a grotesque monster. What else was there to see? Did Catalyst need her eyes checked?

"It will pass," Serpentine muttered to herself, "she's only hanging around because she's feeling immensely guilty. Because she has a hero complex and wants to feel good. She doesn't love me. She can't still love me. I'm a monster."

Serpentine raised her head, spotting the leftover plates from the night's dinner being transferred into the sink by Rox.

"Hey Rox, did Chae — I mean, did our guest eat?"

The robot swivelled around on the spot, comically holding up sopping pink wash gloves. Water dripped at its feet, which happened to be wheels.

"Yes master. I was most pleased she seemed to have enjoyed my cooking," said the robot without a single inflection in its monotonous voice, making it sound sarcastic. Maybe that's why Jennie was so fond of it.

Serpentine couldn't help the small smile that curved her lips. "Well, I'm sure she would have, you make some excellent ramen."

"Thank you master."

"No need to thank me," Serpentine said automatically. Rox bowed then turned to finish washing up. When it was done and it was wiping down the counter, Serpentine spoke up again.

"Rox, can I ask you something?"

"Of course master." It whirred around to face her. It had no traditional face except for a black screen mounted on the shoulders, and two pink eight-bit vertical rectangles for eyes.

"Do you know how to remove pain?" Serpentine asked. Her hand strayed to her chest. "Not physical pain...emotional pain."

The robot paused to consider her question, its eyes shrinking to flat rectangles as it computed the answer.

"If I were human, I would give you hugs and kisses — "


" — followed by ice cream and cuddles — "

Serpentine grimaced, flashbacks of ice cream dates returning. "Not ice cream. No cuddles either."

" — so I will go for the next best thing, which is — "

"Surprise me. As long as it's not bodily contact."

Rox's eyes snapped back to vertical rectangles and it suddenly got busy, gathering ingredients and knocking doors and cupboards and clinking glassware as it whirred and skidded along the floor. Watching Rox work was like magic sometimes and it made Serpentine relax to watch the robot do its thing, let it distract her from her turbulent thoughts.

Monster (Chaelisa)Where stories live. Discover now