Chapter 1

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*Alarm goes off* "Damn it shut up stupid-" just as you reach for your phone you fall from your bed. "Ouch." You say while patting your head. You yawn and look at the time. "ALREADY 8 O'CLOCK SHIITTT-" you quickly get dressed and go to the meeting point you, Gojo, Nobara, Megumi and Yuuji made up. "Im here im hereee!!" You yell as you run towards them. "You're late." Megumi hisses. "Wow we're in a bad mood today are we?" He looks away and Gojo starts with the lesson.

You are the highest ranked jujutsu sorcerer in Japan, and you and Gojo, the two strongest, lead a team of 5, Nobara, Yuuji, Megumi, Gojo and you. "We're at this building and your job is to find the curse and kill it. See it as a test." Gojo says. And after a few questions, they all head to the building. You and Gojo sit on a bench and wait. "You really think this is a good idea?" You ask him. "Dont worry, they are strong." He responds, "Yeah you're right." It was silent for about 2 minutes when Gojo spoke up: "Soooo after this do you have time to get dinner or-"
"No." You answer him coldly. He's been trying to get with you for YEARS now but you wont give him a chance. "Oh come onnnn ive been asking you for years now!!"

"I. Dont. Care. I. Dont. Have. Time. For. RELATIONSHIPS!!" Just then you see Nobara, Megumi and Yuuji walk out of the building. "Already done?" You ask. "This was too easy." Megumi says. "Oh really? Well lets see if you can handle THIS-" You  run towards him, grab his hoodie and aggressively push him down towards the ground. "I can't fight women." He mumbles. "Oh come on you really think im that weak?" You let go of him and he stands up. "No i just don't hit women." You scoff and answer: "So in that case you're a pussy." Yuuji and Nobara start to giggle while Megumi scoffs. "Please, if you cant fight women you wouldn't even be able to fight men." Megumi just stood there not saying anything. "Okay Megumi, punch me." I start to warm up, just in case.

"I said i don't hit wome-" you punch him and he falls to the ground. "You decide, either you get punched or you punch me." He stands up and answers: "Ugh fine." He tries to punch you but it goes straight through you. He falls hitting the ground. "You cant hit me, even if you wanted to. I can make my body penetrable, so the chance of you hitting me is very low." Yuuji makes a confused face and asks: "Well if you penetrate your body you wouldn't be able to punch Megumi?" Nobara scoffs and answers him: "Think, dumbass. She can probably control when she penetrates and when not." You smile. "Thanks Nobara." She smiles back. After that Gojo chitchats with the students a little and out of nowhere you start to feel a strange presence. I give Gojo a sign to go somewhere else with the students and he nods.

"So.. show yourself." The ground starts to break and eventually is destroyed. You see the curse coming towards you, and within a second, you ripped its head and fingers off. "That was weak." You say and catch up to Gojo and the students. After that you go home and watch a little bit of netflix, and decide to take a shower, so you're clean. As you're walking out of the bathroom, you see Gojo standing in front of you.

You grip your towel and say: "God damnit Satoru you scared the shit out of me." You see him smirking out of the corner of your eye as you walk towards your room to get dressed. What the hell would satoru want? You only put on your underwear, a bra and a shirt. You walk towards the kitchen and see him sitting there, starting to admire your body. "Sorry that i came so late, but i needed to talk to you about something." You walk towards the sink, fill a bit water into the water heater and ask: "Tea?" Gojo nods and after you've finished the tea, he starts: "So ive heard that some cursed object is in this block, so i just wanted to make sure you were safe."

"You could've said that earlier gosh you scared me" you scoff and take a sip of your tea. Just as Gojo wanted to talk, you interrupted him. "Just a second." You stood up, walked towards your balcony and saw 2 people on the sides: Nobara and Yuuji. "And what the hell do you think you're doing?" You asked them. Just before they could respond you grabbed them and threw them off the sixth floor. You look over to Gojo seeing him shocked. "They'll be fine." You walk back inside and lean on the wall. Gojo started the conversation: "The other thing, is you, y/n." He stood up, came over to you, and leaned himself on you.

HEHEHEH so next chapter will be smut so beware! I may or may not publish it today so we'll see! And if you've read the first chapter thank you so much i hope you enjoyed it!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2022 ⏰

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