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The cat landed on its paws and quickly ran off. You puffed out your cheeks, annoyed that the stupid cat almost killed Mr. Froppé. You went back and poked Draken. This time, not on the arm but face. 'Cause why not? You had to raise the back of your feet to do it though. He got you back your bunny friend and you decided to just sit down.

You sat in the same spot as earlier and took out the many papers you have in your pockets. Magic pockets. They contain a lot of stuff. Folding the papers to create numerous cranes, with Mr. Froppé sitting up (though he fell down a couple times when you tried to get him to sit properly) and watching.

They saw you swiping things to one hand (which are the cranes) and stood up with a handful of those. Your hands quickly shot up high, causing the cranes to jump and spread apart before falling to the ground. One even fell near the members.

You smiled to yourself and quickly picked up the cranes to put them in a clear container (told you the pockets were magic). You realized one crane was missing, so you got up searching for the last one.

Your eyes went over to the one crane near one of the members' feet. You also saw Mikey talking to the Glasses (guy who was staring at you) but swiftly went down to get the crane.

But unexpectedly... the Toman member closest smashed the crane with their foot in front of your eyes. You gasped, very dramatically too and got down. "No―!! Not Fredric the Third!!!" Your cry had everyone stop to look at you.

Mikey turned to you with a face of indifference. "What's the matter, [Name]?"

You rose and pointed at the guy who stepped on your crane. "He killed Fredric the Third!" You got down again, forcibly lifting the guy's foot and took out the crane. "Look! He's flattened and dirty..." You made an upset look and faced the guy. "How am I going to explain this to Marcus and Rebecca!? Marcus is going to have severe depression and Rebecca's gonna have hallucinations of him! You meanie―!" You puffed out your cheeks at him, truly sad by the fact that Fredric the Third had been killed.

The guy sighed loudly, clearly frustrated and turned to Mikey. "President, can I say somethin' here?" He jabbed a thumb at you. "This chick is annoying. She was goofin' off at the back and distracting everybody."

"Wow, I didn't know I had spectators." You spoke comically, totally oblivious to the fact that you got insulted.

He ignored you and continued. "You shouldn't bring her to meetings, President. All she'll do is distract us with her crazy shenanigans."

"Hey, hey." You frowned, with Mr. Froppé in arms. "That's pretty mean, you know."

"Hah!? Like hell I care!" He got closer to your face, scaring you a bit. "You've been a pain in the ass since you interrupted one of our previous meetings. If you wanna stay here, then stop causing trouble, y'hear!?"

You blinked, his words slowly sinking in, before you averted your eyes and brought a hand to your head with a stoned look. "Wow... Your words truly wound me. They cut me harder than I cut myself." But then you looked up. "Just kidding. No, they don't." You copied his actions, and moved your face closer and your eyes staring up at him. "Your attempts to bring me down doesn't work. Too bad." You smiled and brought Mr. Froppé up. "See, even Mr. Froppé agrees!"

He clicked his tongue, wanting to say something back but Mikey started speaking. "Anyone else agree that [Name] was distracting?"

Mikey-san... Is he going to embarrass me in public? You wanted to say you were surprised, but you were playing around in the back, and it could've possibly diverted everyone's attention, so there's no way Mikey wouldn't find you annoying too.

Some― No, most of the members agreed with the guy. Mikey listened closely for a while before raising his voice again. "Putting aside Kisaki for now, I'll tell [Name] to tone it down. That okay with you?" He heard some members agreeing, and some were still annoyed but went with it anyway. Then he faced you. "[Name], can you go back first? I need to finish up this meeting." You were a bit sad that he didn't smile at you like usual but nodded.

Seeing the change in your face, the guy snorted. "What, didja think Mikey was gonna side with you? Bullshit!!" At his words, you stepped back surprised. "A dumbass chick like you can't possibly please him! Were you getting your hopes up!?!"

You held Mr. Froppé to your head, your eyes boring into the ground below. "Please stop yelling."

"Haah!? Getting soft on me all of a sudden!? What happened to that confidence ya had!?" He continued to taunt.

"Please stop yelling. Please stop yelling at me...!" He actually stopped when you dropped Mr. Froppé to the ground and were breathing heavily. Your fingers grasped onto the top of your hair, tugging on them. You felt like you were about to die. You can hear your heart pounding loudly in your ears, like a ticking bomb about to go off. "Stop... Stop yelling at me already!!!"

"Wh-What's wrong, [Last Name]-chan!?" Chifuyu quickly rushed over there, putting a hand on your slouching back. You still breathed heavily, but then your hand dug into your pocket, taking out a bottle of pills. "[Last Name]-chan?" Many small pills fell onto your palm, but you didn't care as you quickly dropped them all in your mouth in one go. Then, you took out a small water bottle (magic pockets) and gulped down the tiny stuff down your throat.

You gasped, finally able to focus and wiped a trail of drool on your chin. Your irises noticed Chifuyu gazing at you with worry. "Oh, hello there. When did you get here?"

"Never mind that! Are you okay!? Do you... feel fine now?" His voice softened while he gently squeezed your hand. You slowly nodded and turned to everyone else who also stared at you. "...What? You look like you all saw someone having a panic attack." But then you pointed at yourself. "Oh wait, that's me." Turning around to Mikey, you uttered. "I'll see myself in timeout." You walked back, but not before speaking to the murderer of Fredric the Third. "I hope the next thing that you put in your mouth chokes you to death. That's for killing Fredric the Third."

And with that, you went back to sit down, your back facing everyone this time with your legs spread out like a kid actually in timeout.

The guy (we'll call him Killer) felt a chill bolted down his body. It was Mikey's dull eyes that stared him down. Chifuyu also shot him a look of disgust before walking back to his post.

The meeting continued, with an air of awkwardness tainted.

ᴍᴇɴʜᴇʀᴀ // ᴍᴀᴛꜱᴜɴᴏ ᴄʜɪꜰᴜʏᴜOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora