"He's alright," Vincent commented, looking back at the table. "He doesn't bother me and I don't bother him, it's good that way, it's easy."

"Is it really though?" Lila raised an eyebrow.

Vincent nodded "It is."

"I bet you think he's hot," she commented with another snicker, biting her lower lip momentarily.

He looked over at her quickly, "What?" Vincent furrowed his brows at her statement, looking at her with confusion.

"The way you look at him...it's just different," Lila explained, looking up and using her hands to express it."Also I know you better than anyone, Vincent, I can just tell by how when you fancy someone."

Vincent scoffed as he leaned closer to her, "The other day he threatened to murder me with a crayon," he recalled. "Do you think I'm attracted to violence?"

Lila raised an eyebrow and smirked, "Do you want me to answer that one honestly?" she questioned.

"Shut up," he muttered.

"A crayon?" Lila repeated a moment too late from the conversation. "How on Earth was he going to kill you with a crayon?" she laughed.

Vincent shrugged "I don't want to find out," he smiled slightly as he ran a hand through his hair and then he leaned his head against the table for a couple of seconds. "I hate this fucking place."

"I don't mind it," Lila shrugged. "It's kind of quiet and peaceful, and the food here isn't terrible either."

Vincent looked back up at her, "Well at least one of us isn't miserable right now," he stated.

She shrugged, "Go talk to your guy over there, he looks lonely and I'm sure he can cheer you up in more ways than just one," Lila teased. "But seriously go talk to him, the quicker you actually get close to him the better it is for us, and if you don't do it then I will start talking to him."

Vincent looked at her and rolled his eyes, loudly and  obnoxiously pushing out his chair, purposely making it let out a loud squeak throughout the entire room, and he stood up. He dropped his crayon onto the table, fixing his plain white shirt before he looked back towards the man at the window.

"You look fine, just go," Lila rolled her eyes.

He gave her one last glare before he walked across the room, trying his best to avoid any of the other patients that were sitting and standing around, a few trying to grab him on his way over. Vincent finally made it over to the window in one piece without being dragged in multiple directions.

"Hey Hargreeves," Vincent greeted as he sat down next to the man on the window sill, mimicking his exact position by also bringing one of his legs up to his chest and wrapping his arm around it, doing it almost unintentionally.

Diego glanced up at him "Hi," a simple reply, but it was rare to even get an acknowledgment from the man most days, so Vincent decided that he would take it as a win, "What do you want?"

Vincent shrugged," You looked lonely on your own, just thought I'd come over," he smiled. "But also because Lila's voice was getting on my last nerve and I really needed a break from that."

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Aug 31, 2023 ⏰

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