A mini talk and check up

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“We should...we should get going.” Hero opened the door.

They stepped outside and were greeted by the sounds of cats strolling around and cars of people returning home from their late-night jobs. They began walking, their footsteps silent as they began making their way to Basil’s.

That’s when they heard it.

The sound of an ambulance.

It came from behind them yet immediately passed them up as it made its turn onto another street.

Basil’s street.

Adrenalin filled Hero’s veins as he began running. The rest joined him. He hoped to god that he was wrong about what he was thinking. That Basil was okay and not-

He stopped the moment the ambulance was in sight. Basil was alright...his grandmother, however….

Hero felt his heart sink at the sight. He personally didn’t spend much time with his grandmother but she did pass down some of her recipes to him. He remembers how sweet she was whenever they came over to invite Basil to hang out.

Seeing her being dragged into the ambulance….

“Damn, we should check if Basil is okay….” Kel muttered.

Hero agreed.

The search didn’t take long at all. Basil was standing near the ambulance with Polly. His eyes looked red as tears continued to roll down his face.

“Hey, Basil. We- uh we heard the sirens and wanted to check on you….” Hero gave him a half-lie.

“Huh? Oh, oh! Um, hey guys….” Basil nervously trailed off when his eyes landed on Sunny, “Um, thanks for coming to check on me?”

Hero could tell he was uncomfortable. After all, if his grandma was in the process of dying and his friends came over to interrogate him, he doesn’t know how he would feel….

“Nice to know you’re okay….” Aubrey spoke up with a sigh.

Basil looked shocked to hear her say that but he quickly changed his face back into a neutral expression, “Y-Yeah, um...I…I am going to go with my grandma with Polly. Sorry I can’t-”

“Don’t apologize, dude, you can’t control the things that happen. Go with your grandma, okay?” Kel gave him a small smile.

Basil looked at them nervously before giving them a fake smile, “Y-Yeah. See you later.”

He walked to the ambulance with Polly and hopped inside.

Hero watched the ambulance drive away as everyone stood in silence. Now it was just them standing outside of Basil’s house.

“Out of everything I expected to happen, I didn’t expect that…” Aubrey sighed.

“I feel bad for him. First Black Space and now this,” Kel looked upset.

He felt the same way. Basil has been going through a lot these past few days with nearly drowning and everything else.

He just wishes...he could help everyone.

The universe won’t give him that chance.

They walked back to Sunny’s house in pure silence. Hero opened the door and he swore he felt something brush against his hand. When he looked, there was nothing there.

He let out a tiny groan as everyone sat back down on the living room floor.

“No way in hell I am going back to sleep after tonight….” Aubrey grumbled.

“Same here.” Kel nodded.

“...Um, I have a list of chores I haven’t done yet...if you want you could help me with that.” Sunny spoke up.

Chores? Normally Sunny would be on top of his chores, making sure everything was correctly put away with the help of Mari and everyone else.

Though he assumes Sunny no longer had anyone to motivate him….

He shook the thought out of his head. They all needed to do something to take their minds off of...well everything. They could think while they worked.

Walking upstairs, Sunny made his way into his room, quickly grabbing a list of things they needed to do. Hero looked over it quickly.

The tasks were quite simple.

Wash the dishes, clean the house, and sort away certain items into certain boxes. It was easy enough.

Well, Hero supposes now would be the best time to work. Better sooner than later.

He just hopes everything will turn out okay.

Stuck In Paradiseحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن