Louis finds him just a few meters away, standing between Gemma and Zayn. Harry's cheeks are still stained red, lips still swollen, but his eyes are clear and there is a furrow between his brows as he chews on his thumbnail and stares steadily at Louis. Louis doesn't take his eyes off him while the Queen thanks their guests for coming and gives a short speech about kingdoms coming together, then introduces, "And now my son, Prince Louis, has an announcement to make."

His mum steps back and the room falls silent around them. Every eye in the hall is on Louis as he struggles to pull air into his lungs and string words into a sentence. He can barely speak around his heart where it's lodged in his throat, but he can feel Harry's eyes on him, strengthening him. He uses that knowledge to force the words out.

"Thank you for coming," he says redundantly, but the crowd responds politely in kind. Louis feels his tense muscles ease a bit. He can do this. "As you know, Princess Gemma and her consort have traveled very far, from a kingdom in north England where trade is rich and crops are hardy. It has been lovely having them here for the summer, and we're very happy that they will be staying a while longer. I am excited to announce my engagement to -"

He turns to meet his mum's eyes, smiles at the encouragement he finds there, then faces the room once more, searches out and holds Gemma's eyes. He blows out an unsteady breath when she nods, breathes in deeply, then says, loud and clear so that it rings throughout the hall, "Prince Harry Styles of Northumberland."

The room erupts into sound, confused murmurs and polite applause, and Louis can hear his mum hissing furiously behind him, but he only has eyes for Harry. Ignoring his mum's grasping hand and the curious stares of everyone around him, Louis fights his way through the milling, murmuring crowd toward Harry, finds him still rooted to his spot between Zayn and Gemma. His eyes are wide and his mouth is hanging open, and when Louis stops before him, fidgeting anxiously with the hem of his tunic, Harry whispers, "Louis, what. What?"

Louis' heart races in his chest, leaving him breathless. He hadn't told Harry, wanted it to be a bit of a surprise, a grand gesture, of sorts. He had thought maybe Harry suspected when he and Gemma both reassured him they were not going to be married, when they laid in bed and whispered of how many children they wanted and what Harry would grow in their garden, but apparently not. He takes a step forward, reaches out for Harry. He just needs to touch him, needs to reassure himself that Harry is here, that he actually did this, that he's going to get to keep Harry forever.

"I'm sorry I didn't ask you privately first," he whispers back, hand wrapped loosely around Harry's wrist. "I'll do it properly, I promise, she just kept pushing for an announcement and I needed..." Doubt creeps in when Harry doesn't say anything more, just stares at him dazedly. Suddenly uncertain where before he had been completely positive this was the right move, Louis asks, "Harry? Please say yes. I don't think I could bear it if you said no."

Harry's bemused expression clears and, he squawks, indignant, "What? Why would I ever say no?"

"Well, I don't know," Louis laughs, feeling foolish for having allowed himself to doubt even for a second. He heaves a sigh of relief, allows himself a moment to just look at Harry, to absorb the fact that it's happening, that all of those visions, those dreams of a life with Harry are about to come true.

Harry takes a step closer, asks, "Louis? Can we -"

"Lou!" Harry's question is cut off by Stan's approach, a card in hand and a concerned expression on his face. "Oh, boy, Lou, you've done it this time. Your mum is furious, she wants to speak with you when the ball is over."

Confused, Louis' mouth turns down into a frown and he cranes his neck to try and see his mum over the lords and ladies still standing around chatting. The crowd has thinned considerably - many have gone home now that the announcement has been made, some are dancing again, but the Queen is sitting in her chair once more, fingers pressed to her mouth to hide a frown of her own. Louis is not sure what she has to be angry about. He hasn't refused to be married, is still marrying another royal, and one of the same kingdom, at that. She has known his preferences all along, and now that he has found a way to fulfill his duty and be happy, she should be thrilled.

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