Mei Lee

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The Number one rule in my family?
They're the supreme beings who gave you life! Who sweated and sacrificed so much to put a roof over your head, food on your plate, an epic amount of food. The least you can do in return is, every single thing they asked. 'Course some people are like "Be careful "Honoring your parents sounds great, "but if you take it too far, "Well you might forget to honor yourself".
Mei: LUCKILY, I don't have that problem.
I'm Meilin Lee.
And ever since I turned 13, I've been doing my own thing. Making my own moves 24/7 , 365. 
I wear what I want, say what I want, and I will not hesitate to do a spontaneous cartwheel if I feel so moved.
-(Man gasp)Huh?
Mei: -Oh crap!

Mei quickly picks up her stuff off of the ground that she just drops.
Not to brag, but being 13 means I'm officially grown-up.
At least according to the Toronto Transit Commission.

Man on in the driving seat on the bus: Good for you.
Mei goes to sit next too someone on the bus.
Meilin:Mmm-hmmm -Mmhhh-Hmmm
All about that hustle am I right?
The man looks away confused.

Meilin opens the school doors with her back thing in her mouth.
Besties, assemble!
Miriam: Hey!
Hahah! - Priya!
Yo! Deep voice.
-Speaking Korean -(All gasps)
In English Yeah what's up  Mei?
And not but leat Y/N!
Y/N: Hey guys!
Mei and Y/N High five.
Abby, Priya, and Miriam smirk.
-Ready to change the world?
Miriam: So ready. Snaps fingers, Click! Sound.
Priya: I was born to do this.
Abby: Let's burn this place to the ground!
Y/N: Heck yeah!
Math class.
Mei: Y equals negative four.
( Speaking Faux French)
(In English) Manitoba, Alberta, and Saskatchewan.
It shows Mei getting A's on everything on her papers.

I know it's a lot...

Mei know playing the flute.
But this is grade Eight.
I don't got time to mess around.

Plays Flute intense.

I guess you could call me.
A very enterprising, mildly annoying young lady. A man says.
A major weirdo. A girl says.
An overachieving dork-narc. A boy says.

Meilin jumps in front of the boy.
Meilin catches the ball.
I accept and embrace all labels.
Meilin turns around and tries to shoots it in the basketball hoop, but misses. 
Everyone saw the ball roll into the rode all shock expressions.
Mei: Oops
The boy: Hey!

Mei: Ahhah!
Boy: oh you're so dead!
School Bell rings
Meilin:Coming through!
Move please!
Miriam: Share the side people!
Meilin: Anyway, who cares what stupid, evil Tyler or anyone else thinks?
This is gonna be my year.
(Gasps) Mei, Mei, Mei, come see this!
Mei and Y/N

Mei: And nothing's gonna stop this train.
Y/N: Mei.? (Yelps)
Abby grabs Y/N and Mei.
Shhh, Come on, Come on!
Get your but  over here!
Priya: Go, go, go.
They are crawling on the floor to the Daisy mart.
Miriam: Come on, Come on. Mei, Y/N fast!
Meilin: Shut up.
Abby: Shhhhh!
Y/N: We aren't even talking that loud. We are whispering!
They peek into the window to see a guy working in the Daisy mart.
Y/N: Ugh guys seriously!?
Meilin: Huh?
Abby: Hmmmmm!
Priya: Uhhmm.
Miriam: Mmmmmm.
Devon is looking at  discount piece of paper on the counter.
Abby:My mom cuts his hair at the salon, and I felt it, it's very soft.
Priya: Whoa, can I have some?
Miriam: Yeah Abby hook a sister up.
Y/N and Meilin: ugh!
Meilin: He looks like a hobo.
Abby: A hot Hobo!
Meilin: May I remind you what real men look like?
Mei pulls out a 4 town paper out of her backpack.
Y/N Abby Priya and Miriam: ahhhh! 4 town!
Meilin: Yes! 4-town!

Y/N Abby Priya Miriam Ahhhhh!!!!
Meilin: Jessie went to art school.
Tae young fosters injured doves. Robaire speaks French. Aaron T: Hey!

And Aaron T and Aaron Z are like really talented, too.
We are 4 Townies, remember? Ride or die!

Priya: Yeah but the tickets to 4- Town are like, a bajillion dollars and Devon's right here.
Abby: And Free!
Y/N: Way to kill the mood. Scoffs.
And crosses arms.
Meilin: Ah! Fudgesicels! I gotta go!

Miriam: Wait! We're going karaokeing today.
Abby: Yeah!
Priya: Come with us.

Y/N: Please? Mei? Does the puppy eyes.

All do the puppy eyes now.
Miriam: Please.
Meilin: I-
Can't it's cleaning day.
Y/N: But Mei everyday is cleaning day. Y/N pouts.
Miriam: Can't you just get one afternoon off?
Meilin: But I like cleaning.

Meilin: Plus, I got this new feather duster! And ohh gosh guys! You guys!
It picks up so much dirt, it's bananas!
Miriam: Fine, we'll let you go.
Y/N: If you can pass the gauntlet.
The other girls are smirking, and making kissy faces because they know Mei likes Y/N.

Y/N starts to do dance moves.
Y/N: Come on. Uhhh! Oh!
Mei:Y/N not now.
Y/N: You can't resist it!
Come on! You know you want to.
Mei puts down her music box.
Y/N: Here we go.
Y/N: You're never not on my mind.
Mei and Y/N: Oh,my Oh, My, Oh yeah, oh yeah.
All: I'm never not by your side, your side. Priya: Yeah.
All: Your side, your side.
Priya: peace sign.

All: All right!
Abby: yeah go Mei!
Y/N: That was so good!
Abby: That was dope!
Y/N: You passed.
And here is your reward.

Mei gasp.
Y/N: Ninety-Nine Australia tour, with girl I love your jeans remix.
Meilin: omg Y/N! I'll guard it with my life!
Now Mei is kissing the CD like crazy.

Meilin: oh thank you, thank you, thank you! 4 town for ever!

Meilin: we'll karaoke another time, I promise!

Miriam: okay, sure Mei!
It'll be in me. The snacks, the tunes,
Priya: Whooo!
Abby: you're my jam girl.
Priya: She's so brainwashed.
Y/N: Uhh okay.?
- Miriam Abby Yup.

Hello guys I hoped you like the first chapter of the Story so far I did had to change some parts of I being Y/N from Miriam Parts it's part of the story and I had the captions on so I know what they're saying.
It's easier for me. No hate please :)
Tell me in the comments if I need to fix anything or typo.

Her red hair, Meilin Lee x Fem Reader Where stories live. Discover now