"I don't know, guess they don't think I'm 'Alpha enough' and don't want a crash bang of hormones hitting and causing problems for them?" Harry's voice is muffled where he's sucking in lungfuls of his mates' scents. Edward and Marcel chuckle at his antics, knowing they'll have to help make his bed later or he'll crawl in bed with one of them for the night, which had happened last time. They wouldn't mind that, in fact, they wish they could, it's just, they can't let their parents find them cuddled together, like now.

Once they have scent-marked each other thoroughly, Edward breaks the silence. "At least we can help with you taking the pills and still satisfy mum and father."

"What do you mean? How can I take suppressants and not take suppressants at the same time, Eddie?" Harry picked his head up, resting his chin on Edward's chest, to look at his mates.

"I picked something up on the way home from work." Edward reaches out, trying not to disturb his mates, and grabs an orange box from the bedside table. 

"You want me to take suppressants for my heat?" Harry asks, taking the box and giving it a once over before looking at his mates questioningly.

"It's not suppressants," Marcel responds, "It's birth control."

"Birth control? Why?" 

"Harry, you're an Omega, in half a year, you'll get your first heat." Marcel turns his head to look more directly at Harry, who had sat up on his mates' laps, straddling their legs, to examine the box. 

"Yeah? So? It's not like I have anyone to spend it with me."

"Oh, well then, I guess Marce and I will have to help each other through our ruts. We're mates, our Alphas should be fine with it. Granted, it might be more painful knowing our mate is in heat, but it should work." Edward says, somewhat sarcastically, but also considering the option in case Harry really didn't want to spend his heat with them.

"Wait, what Omega?!" Harry snaps his head up to look at them,  "I thought I was your mate? You have another? Why didn't you tell me?!"

"Oi, he's a bit thick in the head sometimes," Edward comments with a smirk to Marcel, who giggles into his shoulder, nodding his agreement.

"Who is it? Why won't you tell me?" Harry is full-on pouting now, not understanding what his mates are saying. 

"Harry, it's you." Edward looks at him, sighing a little in fondness and exasperation. 

"But if you were in rut, why wouldn't I be with you? Especially if I go into heat at the same time?"

Both of his mates stare at him, waiting. Marcel glances down at the box Harry holds in his hands. Harry follows his gaze and it all clicks.

"Oh! That's why you got me these, so that I can spend my heat with you during your ruts." He looks up sheepishly, peering through his eyelashes, a rosy tint colouring his cheeks. Both Edward and Marcel chuckle at him, reaching to embrace him back into the cuddle. Harry goes willingly, both to hide his embarrassment and to scent-mark his mates in his excitement. 

---- -----

The next morning, the triplets are eating breakfast when their mum enters the kitchen, which is a rare occurrence because she hates being in the kitchen, it's one of the reasons the boys eat in there. 

"Harry, I hope you haven't forgotten your suppressants. I need to see you take them."

"Oh, right, I left them on my bathroom counter, lemme go get them." He hops off the barstool and exits the kitchen. Edward and Marcel share a glance.

"Why does Harry need to take suppressants? Marcel and I don't." Edward voices their curiosity.

"Because you already have all the Omegas fawning over you with your sports and brawn, and Marcel has his brains to give him credit," their mum says coldly. The brothers share another look, shocked at the way that their mum and father are treating their brother, before Harry comes tumbling back into the kitchen, tripping over the last step like always. 

"Here, I have them," he announces, waving them around with a goofy smile on his face.

"Well, don't waste any more of my time, take it now."

Harry slouches a little at the tone of disdain in his mum's voice, face falling. Edward and Marcel flinch, having to stop themselves from reacting to their mate's discomfort, quickly taking a bite of their food to prevent the growls from escaping their rumbling chests. Harry reaches for a glass and takes a pill out. He had put the pills his mates had given him into the suppressants package to fool their mum. After filling the glass with water, he quickly takes the pill with his mum watching. 

"Open up, I need to see you actually swallowed it."

Harry and his brothers look at her in wonder and flabbergast. Edward and Marcel reach for each other hands under the counter to help contain each other. They had never seen their parents so degrading of their brother and it made them furious. Harry opens his mouth for his mum and once she is sure he had swallowed, she turns and leaves the kitchen, with not so much as a 'thank you'.

Harry turns to look at his brothers with a sorrowful face, looking like he is about to cry. He sniffles, confirming their suspicions. They quickly run around the island counter to Harry, bringing him into a group hug, surrounding him with their scents. 

"I wish we didn't have to hide. I almost just said 'fuck it' and tore her head off." Edward growls, which, while blowing off his own steam, also calms Harry. 

"I -I wish -so, -too," Harry sniffs, "but at -least we -only need to -wait one -more year -before -we can -move out."

"Two. Two more years," Marcel responds, stroking Harry's back.

"But -I thought -we -we could -- move out -when -when we turn -six -sixteen?" Harry hiccups, trying to control his breathing and calm down.

"That's for Alphas and Omegas with bondmates, which you don't have. I looked it up. Besides, I don't think mum and father would let you out of their control now." Marcel sighs, sympathetic and lost as to how to help his mate. Harry breaks back down.

"But --I -I thought -I would -would have bond -bond -ed -by then, -I thought -we -we would bond -dur -during our -first heat -and -and rut. -Why aren't -we?"

"You want to bond our first time?" Edward, who has calmed his anger toward his parents, asks, slightly bewildered.

"Ye- yeah, -but if -if you don't -want to -it's -it's fine." Harry's quieting down for the second time, clutching his mates to him, trying to breathe them in as much as possible.

"Of course, I want to, bubs, we just hadn't talked about it yet. I didn't know you wanted to, that's all."

"What about you, Marcy? Do you want to bond?" Harry is sniffling now but is breathing fine.

"Of course. I figured, if you didn't want to, I would at least bond Edward. But bonding together will make us even stronger." Marcel kisses Harry's temple, soothing the last of the sniffles from his mate with his soft gestures and kind words.

"I want to bond, I want to become bondmates, and I want to move out next year, whether mum and father 'allow' it or not, I'm yours and you're mine. No one can take that from me. And one day, when we're ready, we'll have pups and love them, like we love each other, and not force them to take suppressants just for our own twisted ideas." Harry rants a little to his mates, who chuckle at him. "I love you." He looks up sheepishly through his eyelashes, red eyes and tear tracks still untouched. His eyelashes are clumped together, lips rolled and bitten together. 

"I love you, too," his mates respond. They know they are speaking to each other and to Harry. And even though this is the first time they have said it out loud and meant it romantically, they have known for a while, through their treatment of each other, the care and devotion they have. They both reach out to wipe Harry's cheeks. Harry nuzzles both their hands, a small smile breaking through the tears, before they pull him into a hug again. 

"We'll move out next year then, maybe to a new town so we can be a little harder to reach and no one knows us." Edward determines that they will continue with their original plans, and move to a new town, maybe a smaller town than London, to get away from this degrading life. 

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