Chapter 33:

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Please read the Writer's note before continuing to read this chapter.


"Not exactly everything though." I hear Blanc say, his tone a little flat.

"Is this about what Great Nana told you?" I hear Marta ask. "She saw me that night. She mistook me for Ransom."

"We'll get to that. In the meanwhile..." It sounds as if Blanc is walking further into the room. "Mr. Hugh Ransom Drysdale, you might tell us all why you hired me?"

What? Why would Ransom – oh wait! That article about Blanc that was on Ransom's table!

But did Ransom hire Blanc? Was my predication right? I do remember seeing Ransom tearing up the newspaper article about Harlan's suicide, and I saw the fold of money...but how would Blanc know Ransom hired him? I didn't tell Blanc, so who did?

"Why I hired you?" Ransom queries, sounding confused.

Why is he acting oblivious to the question?

To stay out of trouble. Duh!

Shut up!

Ha! Like that will work.

"You're right," Blanc almost titters, "let's back it up, to the night of the party. Your argument with Harlan – what were the overheard words by that child in the bathroom? 'My will' and 'I'm warning you'. You and Harlan were 'drama mama's'."

Drama mama's? I would have picked a different word to explain Harlan and Ransom's relationship, but each to their own I guess.

"You both shared a love into twisting the knife into one another." Blanc goes on to say, and I have to admit, Blanc's not wrong. Ransom and Harlan – more Ransom – loved provoking each other. I remember this one time –

Stop it and listen!

"You see, I don't believe he would have slipped it in half way – no, no, no – I submit, Harlan told you everything." Blanc deduces.

My mind immediately races back to Ransom and Harlan arguing over the will...I remember Ransom was furious. If he could have, he would have spat blood that night – that's how angry he was.

"Marta," Blanc continues, "remind me what Ransom said his conversation with Harlan ended with?"

"Harlan told him that I can beat him at GO." Marta replies.

Now I know that is a damn lie, because I know Ransom lied to Marta at that restaurant. I knew he coaxed her into confessing by making her eat, because if she lied, she would have thrown up.

"And I asked myself – Marta? Why would the topic of the will have steered around to Marta? There is one, obvious explanation." Blanc emphasizes. "Harlan told you that he was going to give everything to Marta, and the family wasn't going to get a cent, so that is why you warned Harlan." Blanc explains.

"That's some heavy duty conjecture." Ransom says, his tone aloof.

But his cold sends shivers down my spine. I don't know whether to be intimidated by that, or scared.

"Granted." Blanc seems to agree. "But it is the only way what comes next makes sense. So you storm out, you drive off into the night. You tell Marta later you were – oh what was it? Feeling an overwhelming sense of?"

Don't say clarity! Please don't say clarity!

"Clarity." Marta replies.


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