Nine Haikus

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At last -- a snowflake;

The night refuses to die,

To give thee's last chance.

Mere holograms tense,

The sparks did fly believing

In waiting for me.

The wait, old drifts rained,

The brook waned and elated,

Each dropped stasis lied.

So hinder street stones

Charm the weeds flow'ring refined,

In steady strolls lift.

My shores were every,

In stream canals altering

All life's directions.

Wind lingers deplored

The chill instances of brews,

Of aquamarine.

Musty hues these specs,

Exhaust fans redefine them

All over again.

The cloud nine ranged links,

In the pipes clamor to dine,

Of souls the every.

Search the argon clear

And clearer through business suits

That life awaits you.

RIMESOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz