He pulls up at Marlena's apartment and gets out, walking around to her side of the SUV and picks her up, carrying her up and using the key she'd given him all those years ago, wiggling the doorhandle just right to get it to open. He sets her down in the kitchen chair and turns to grab the tea kettle as she finally speaks. "You can leave now. You've completed your mission. You've secured your precious little sheriff position, fucked over Leilland and even humiliated and traumatized me in the process. Bravo. Now, fuck off." Her words may have been bold, but her voice was weak, shaky even. He laughs and shakes his head. "Not until I know you're not going to jump out of the window or slit your fucking wrists. Won't do many any good to have you offing yourself when I was the last person to see you. Would throw the whole hero image right out the window." He pulls two mugs out of the cabinet and sets them on the counter before taking her hand and pulling her up, wrapping his arm around her waist. "I'm going to make sure you're alright before I leave. Can't have you thinking that this is going to excuse you from your duties tomorrow." He gives her a lecherous grin. Marlena was surprised to find a laugh falling from her lips. There was the vile Sheriff she knew. She shook her head and patted his uniform clad chest. "I knew the asshole was still in there somewhere. I was afraid you'd gone soft on me." She jokes, still shaking, but feeling a little better now that his familiar crude, cruel behavior was back. Russell tips his head back, letting out a bark of laughter as he takes her smaller hand in his and brings it down to his groin, placing it on the bulge in his pants. "Nothing soft about me, doll. Now, shower. Then you're going to have a cup of tea and get that pretty little ass of yours to bed or I'll have to spank it." He smacks her ass and points to the shower, satisfied when she steps into the bathroom and shuts the door. 

Marlena really shouldn't have felt comforted by the way he was acting, but it was like an old worn, holey tshirt. It just fit, and it brought her the comfort she needed so badly in that moment. After a long hot shower, she pulls on an old flannel shirt that Russell had left behind years ago and walks back into the kitchen, her long dark hair still wet and laying around her shoulders in damp curls. She gives him a shy smile as he turns and hands her a cup of hot tea, his eyes roaming her body. She hated that his eyes on her made her heart flutter. She should be repulsed, much the way that Leilland made her feel, but Russell still gave her a thrill, no matter how much she hated him. She takes a slow sip of the tea and then sets the mug on the counter before looking at him with heated eyes. She needed to feel something, anything in that moment. She needed something she knew she could control, something she knew she could stop if she really wanted to. She steps forward, taking a chance as she begins unbuttoning his uniform shirt, her eyes dark eyes locked on his, her plump lips parted softly as she takes the mug from his hands and places it next to hers on the counter. Russell watches her curiously. Normally, he took control. He was always in charge when he took her. That's what it always was, him taking what he wanted. Tonight, though, he knew if he took, that she would break beyond repair. He knew this was a necessary step to keep her hanging on, just like the soft touches earlier in the day. He gives her a nod and cups her cheek, his large hand covering half of her face as he grips her ass with one hand and lifts her up onto the counter, stepping in between her legs and capturing her lips in a long, slow kiss as her hands slip under his dark grey tshirt he always wore under his uniform shirt. Marlena melted at his slow kiss, at the soft, protective way he held her face. She knew she shouldn't trust this, she should fall for this, but her shaken mind and her unsteady heart didn't care. He was what she needed in that moment. She breaks the kiss, pushing his uniform off of his shoulders, the material fluttering to the floor as her hands move to the hem of his tshirt, quickly pulling it over his head and tossing it away. She needed his skin against her hands, needed the warmth of him. She runs her hands over his chest, over his stomach as he leans in, capturing her lips again, moaning as his hands slide over her bare thighs. His hands were so large compared to her, they engulfed every part of her body and she loved it. They were by far one of her favorite parts of his body and he knew it. He often used it to his advantage when he needed to bend her to his will. 

Russel groans as her soft hands run over his chest while he continues to caress her thighs, gripping them firmly before releasing them, only to squeeze them again. He knew exactly what his hands did to her. She was so small compared to him that he could easily control her, but tonight, it wasn't about that. Not yet at least. He would have his moment. He kisses her back, nipping her lips and tugging her bottom lip between his teeth, grinning as she lets out a low whine. His little bitch loved a little pain and he didn't mind being the one to give it to her. He grips releases her thighs and grips the flannel shirt she was wearing in both hands and rips it open, giving her a lecherous grin as her full breasts are exposed to his hungry eyes. "Look at you, doll. Flushed from face to tits. You always want me, don't you?" He chuckles as she nods and reaches for his gun belt, taking it off and setting it carefully on the counter before removing his other belt and unzipping his pants. "In a hurry now, I see. What a shame, I thought we'd take our time, enjoy the view." He teases, running one fingertip over her jaw, down her neck and between her breasts. His eyes catch the dark, angry looking bite mark he'd left on her neck earlier in the day and he smiles proudly. She was his. And that mark was only further proof. Marlena was tired of the talk, tired of the teasing. She wanted him, needed to feel something she was familiar with. "Russ...Please." She begs, knowing that his how it stroked his ego to hear her beg for him. In the blink of an eye, she felt his hand on her waist, gripping her tightly as he pulled her to the very edge of the counter, his much larger stature making it easy for him to slide right into her as his other hand wraps around her throat. Marlena lets out a long, low mewl as he fills her, her head tossing back against the kitchen cabinet as she wraps around his waist, her hands planted on the counter beneath her. This...this was something she knew. This was a feeling she welcomed. Russell growls as her pussy wraps around him, his hand giving her neck a soft squeeze as he feels her pussy flutter softly but then stop. "Don't hold back, tonight. Be my little bitch in heat." He commands. He wanted to feel every little spasm. He wanted to hear every breathy moan, every cry. He wanted to wring every release from her until she was pliant in his hands, eager to do absolutely anything he could possibly ask. That's how he restored the balance on nights like this when he felt his control slipping, when he felt his feelings for her reemerging. His hand on her waist tightens as she comes for the first time around him, bruising her tanned skin as he grinds against her. He growls softly and leans down, biting the swell of her breast, thrusting into her, angling his hips to glide over her gspot again and again, his hand squeezing then releasing alternately on her throat, with every thrust. He'd lost count of how many times she'd come on his cock after a while, the feeling absolutely intoxicating. When her body began to go limp, her eyes glazed with pleasure and her voice hoarse, he finally let himself go, his hips jerking as he fills her to the brim with a shout of her name, holding her still as he fills her. After several moment he finally pulls out, placing a soft kiss to her forehead and slaps her thigh. "Get some sleep, doll. I expect a meeting again tomorrow." He chuckles as he dresses again, watching as she almost falls asleep on the kitchen counter. Normally he'd simply leave her there, but he tonight he had a moment of compassion. He picks her up in his arms and carries her to her bedroom, laying her in the bed and pulling the blanket over her, pretending he didn't hear her when she thanked him for saving her from Leilland. He didn't like the way that made his chest flutter. He had locked those feelings away long ago. They didn't need to reappear now.

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