A boy behind the door

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I'm standing infront of the ADA ballet school building knowing that I need to find Dazai and let him explain some things,like Akutagawa's reaction. But first I need to ask somebody where Dazai could be, because looking on how large the school is I don't think I could find him without any help.
After opening the door, I see a huge corridor with various paintings, most of them being portraits of well known ballet dancers and many doors.

I go up to one of the doors and slightly open them. The door reveals a boy, dancing like his life depended
on his moves, not only is the choreography quite beautiful but so is he.While dancing his almost completely white hair falls slightly on his face which makes him even more admirable.

Chuuya never stared at someone so intensely like he did now. He scanned his moves and found no mistakes, everything was perfect to the last detail.
Chuuya who didn't realise that someone was behind him watching how he looked looking at that boy was clearly surprised when he heard someone talking.
"He's dance is quite breathtaking don't you think?"-Said a black haired male and Chuuya almost jumped.
"It is"-Said Chuuya without a moment of thinking.
"Are you Chuuya Nakahara by any chance?"-Said the male before Chuuya could realise what he just said.
"Umm, yes that's me"-Honestly he wasn't really surprised if anyone knew him here, thanks to that "Bandage wasting mashine".
"Then meet your partner"-Said the male pointing at the boy who just finished dancing and started to pack his things.
Then the black haired male left without a word.
Chuuya was kinda confused at first but starting to get it after a while, he as a straight-forward person fully opened the door, which caught the attention of the younger male.
"I don't know if that Bandage wasting mashine told ya, but I'm your dance partner for the upcoming __________."
-Said Chuuya
"Ahh, I think you mean Dazai, and yes he did mention that"-Said the boy and added "I'm Atsushi Nakaijma"-and  put his hand out.
"Chuuya Nakahara"- I took his hand and slightly shaked it.
"Do you want to go out eat something so we could talk?"
"Are you asking me out?"-I asked teasingly.
His face turned completly red after what I said.
"N-no I've just heard that communication is needed when you dance in pairs"-He said and I found it even more fun teasing him instead of Dazai, but I let it go today.
"Sure let's go but I'll be the one finding the place"

I already knew where I wanted to go, my favorite restaurant, one of the more expensive ones,but hey there is no better thing that pampering a quite cute and pretty guy who your going to spend the next weeks with, right?

"Chuuya? Don't you think that this restaurant is pretty expensive as for a normal go out?I'm not sure if I can afford the things here"-he said
"Well it doesn't matter if u can or can't afford it,either ways I'm the one paying and there will be no discussion on that"

Well there was a discussion but either ways Atsushi needed to let it slide.
I've ordered the same thing I do always and ordered the same for Atsushi.We had a small convo about nothing.
"Hey Atsushi, is this your first time in a pair?"-I asked remembering the one sentence he said that could mean that he never had danced in a pair before.
"Ahh yes, how did you know?"
"You let it slip once"
"I see"
There was a short moment of silence as we just finished eating but then we exchanged phone numbers and went home.

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