Chapter 3 - 104th Cadet Corps

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Shadis "Hey you... what are you doing?"

She doesn't answer and just looks around as if she thinks he's talking to someone else.

Y/N 'Poor girl... she's about to face hell and doesn't even know it.'

Shadis "You're the one I'm talking to! YOU! WHO ARE YOU!"

Sasha "Sasha Blause, from Dauper Village, Wall Rose South District!"

Shadis "Sasha Blause! What are you holding in your right hand?"

Sasha "A boiled potato! The kitchen had a fresh batch. So I took one."

Shadis "You stole it? Why? Why would you choose to eat it now?"

Sasha "Well I would have felt really guilty if I let it get cold, so I decided to eat it now."

Y/N 'This girl is either insane or stupid... or both.'

Shadis "I still don't get it... why here... why would you eat it here?"

Sasha "Sir, are you asking me why people eat potatoes?"

Shadis didn't seem too happy with this response. I could see Sasha struggle to split the potato evenly before offering him what she called half. I've never seen someone so angry before. I swear I saw him turn as red as a tomato in pure anger before screaming at the girl. What was even more worrying was that she didn't seem too upset about running till sundown but more about having her dinner privileges revoked for the night.


We were all looking at poor Sasha who everyone has been taking to calling potato girl, running around the camp.

Connie "He's really still making her run?"

Eren "It's been five hours."

Y/N "Yeah but she seemed even more distraught when told that she couldn't eat dinner tonight.

Connie "If I remember correctly, Dauper Village is a tiny hunting village deep in the mountains."

I hear a noise to my right. We all look over to see a carriage leaving the camp. There seemed to be a few cadets in the back.

Y/N "What's up with that?" Another cadet that was watching Sasha piped up.

Mina "That's the dropouts. They are the ones that requested to be transferred to the frontier to work."

Armin "What!? But it's only the first day!"

Y/N "So they'd rather the work camps than fight. It's sad but that's why we fight. So that the ones that can't don't have to."

Eren "Well... it was only a matter of time. If you don't have what it takes to be here then you shouldn't be here."

Y/N "Eren, you shouldn't say such things. They never even had a chance. You shouldn't need to be able to fight to join the military."

Marco decided to change the subject before Eren could say anything else.

Marco "Hey, he didn't ask where you were from."

Eren "I'm from Shiganshina, same as them." He nods over to me and Armin.

Marco "I see..." He was very somber about hearing where we were from. For good reason as well. Though Connie didn't have the same thoughtfulness.

Connie "Then you've all seen them. The titans, I mean."

Marco "Hey maybe they don't-" He was cut off by the growing crowd around Eren.

Mina "So you've seen the colossal titan?!" I froze a little at hearing its name, remembering what it did and the death that it caused.

Eren "Yeah..." He took on a rather unenthused tone when discussing the titans. But I could see that he was merely putting on a mask to try and seem tough to our new comrades. The others couldn't though as they were amazed by this. 

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