Chapter 2: Meeting 'Brother'

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Chapter 2


Cary, Mom, and I were in the drop off zone at the airport sitting in traffic. It was nine-ten. We had twenty-five minutes 'til we had to leave for London. I was anxious.

Mom pulled up to the drop off zone. She helped Cary and I get our bags out of the trunk.

"You guys go inside and wait. I'll park the car." she said as she climbed back into the car. I watched her drive away and I felt a tug on my sleeve.

"Let's go inside." Cary said. I started dragging my suitcase onto one of the cart thingys. Cary and I walked to the desks to get our boarding passes. I noticed the blonde guy behind the desk watching me. I guessed that the guy was about twenty. I felt uncomfortable and I quickly handed my green suitcase to him and walked away.

Mom came back in and walked with us to security.

"I love you guys. I'm sorry. I will never let myself forget what has happened. I'll miss you, guys." she have us a huge hug. I just let her hug me. I didn't hug her back, though. I felt wet drops falling on my head. I looked at my mom and wiped away her tears.

"We'll see you soon, Mom. You said so yourself." Cary soothed her. I was wrapped into another hug. I pulled away and walked to security. I put my bags on the conveyor belt and walked through.

I sat down and waited for Cary. She had the plane tickets and passports.

'Flight 143 to London. Now taking first class.' the overhead lady said.

"Where are we sitting?" I asked Cary. She shuffled through and found them.

"Uh... First class. I guess we better be boarding." We handed the lady our tickets and passports and boarded the plane.

I was in a window seat with Cary next to me. I took one last look out the window before I closed it. I waited for the plane to take off. It took about twenty minutes for everybody else to board. It was about a ten hour flight. (** I just estimated the time**) I just read my book while I waited for take-off. I ignored the flight attendant with her safety procedures.

Soon enough we were in the air. I opened the window and looked out. I could see for miles in all directions. I closed my book and laid my head back. I was soon asleep.


"Tessa....wake uuuup..." I felt my shoulder shaking lightly.

"Gerroff me...mmmmm.." I mumbled.

"We landing in a few hours, Tess. We are about two hours away from landing." Wow. I had meant to take a nap but it turned into a full out sleep-fest.

I stretched and opened my bag of Chex Mix. I loved the stuff but I always felt so loud eating it. I offered Cary some and she took a huge handful.


"Fwhah?" she tried to say 'What?' but failed miserably. I just glared at her.

It was kinda cold because of the air vents. I pulled out my orange Aeropostale hoodie. It felt good to be in something so warm and comfy. I was in my sweatpants from yesterday because who wants to be in skinny jeans on a cramped up plane.

I just ate and read for the remainder of the flight.

When we landed, I was hit with a gust of cold wind. I knew London was going to be cold, but not this cold. I threw my coat on even though it didn't go with sweatpants. I carried my duffle bag into the seating area. I saw a teenage boy with blonde hair poking out from under a black beanie and sunglasses. There was a big man standing next to him, also in black. They were holding a sign that said 'Tess and Cary Fletcher'. We walked up to them.

**ON HOLD**SORRY!!**Falling in One Direction (A One Direction/ Louis Tomlinson Fan Fiction)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu