The Portrait, part 2

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'I want you to move me into the potions lab,' Severus drawled languidly from the portrait hanging in the darkness of the corner in the shop as Draco locked up for the afternoon. He took pride in his rich tenor, it was, he thought the only true part of him that remained.

'Why would you want that? I thought you liked being able to skulk around in the shadows.'

'I'll take over from you. I'll mentor him through his... Apprenticeship.' Severus managed to make it sound as if the concept of Harry doing a Potions Apprenticeship was utterly distasteful.

'Again, why would you want to do that?' Draco leant against the shop counter and pinched the bridge of his nose, he could feel a headache coming on fast.

'Several reasons. 'First, it removes one of the contributing factors to the strange dynamic between you both. I can read in your body language that you are unsettled by the whole affair. You don't know whether to be his boss, be indebted to him, or... flirt... with him...'

'...I know perfectly well that I shan't flirt with him.'

'Why ever not?

'Because he's...'

' not say "because he's Harry Potter" in that way, Draco. You have never been one to idolise him, don't start now. And don't pretend you don't want this either. I know you've always sought his friendship. Do you find him attractive?'

'Severus,' Draco warned the portrait. 'I'm not talking to you about this.'

'Indeed. But the answer is rather... obvious...' dark irises glistened in the darkness. 'But no matter, for the moment. The second reason is he's right, you spend too much time with me and are picking up my mannerisms; I'm not sure that's very healthy nor does it do you any favours...'

'...better you than my father.'

'You don't need to emulate either mine or Lucius's ways. Perhaps you could consider that it would be better to find who you are and be yourself.'

'I don't know how to be anything different...' Draco said quietly.

'Be the young man who was laughing in the kitchen just now. Draco, you can let yourself be free from the rules you put around yourself.'

'I need those rules.'

'No. You have created those rules around yourself to protect yourself and now they are a barrier. Learn from someone who knows, who understands, and I do understand. Yes, some of them help but not when you create such a life that you cannot live. Harry will be good for you. And you for him. You will look after each other in ways that neither of you comprehend at the moment.'

'I don't need that extra burden of sorting out Harry bloody Potter's messy disaster of a life.'

'I rather think that if he has you to focus on, his own life will re-order itself as his attention shifts from trying to live up to people's high expectations of him and avoiding the likes of that foul bitch Rita Skeeter to something purposeful and meaningful for him. Did you not notice the effort he'd made this morning? The clothes, the lunch...?'

Draco flushed.

'I hate to admit it but he is good for you. I haven't heard you laugh like that since you were... a little boy.' Severus sighed. 'I will persevere his ways for you, I'll even be... nice...' he added derisively. 'And you can date him.'

'Severus! Gods, this is mortifying.'

'You didn't tell me about the man... in the bar.'

'For good reason. You weren't supposed to hear that.'

'You haven't...?' The question went unfinished.

'No, I haven't. Not since that summer.'

'Good. Tell Harry about that too.'

'I can't.'

'Do not be ashamed of yourself, Draco. He will love you unconditionally and you are greater than your past. You have a good heart. Surely that is one thing that Harry has taught us all; that despite our mistakes, it's our decisions and what's in our hearts that counts.'

'Sweet Salazar, you sound like Albus Dumbledore.'

Severus smiled slightly, 'I suppose we all pick up bad habits from our mentors. Forgive me.'

Draco snorted dismissively and a short silence fell though neither of them moved.

'Why did you lie about making the Wolfsbane Potion?' Severus asked, genuine intrigue edging his question. 'I know you completed that order three days ago.'

Draco turned his head and looked out of the shop window, not answering.

'Because you made yourself vulnerable to him for a moment, because you let your guards down and laughed until your sides hurt and you couldn't catch your breath and there were tears in your eyes. Draco, you are allowed to live and to share that with someone.'

'I needed space...' Draco said quietly.

'Yet you still accepted his dinner invitation?' It was more a statement than a question.

'How can I resist?' Draco said quietly. 'I never could resist him.'

'You don't need to resist. Ask yourself why you insist to yourself that you must resist him. I suggest you take a headache potion and a long relaxing bath this afternoon and ponder that question.'

'I need to work. I need the money. There're other orders I can complete.'

'Are you hiding how bad things are?'

'No... yes... rent is due and I don't have it.'

'You realise that if it got out that Harry Potter was your Apprentice...'

'...don't. I'm not using him like that—he's worth more than his name to me.'

Severus smiled, his lips tight and knowing and his dark eyes glistening. 'So, you admit to having feelings for him. Perhaps you should consider that Harry is already aware of that fact that his name would be of benefit to you. I know I derided him for his lack of intelligence but he is not stupid for all his apparent obliviousness. He would never, as you rightly pointed out yesterday, have found and destroyed all those Horcruxes and defeated Voldemort without a modicum of awareness of what he was doing. He realised, long before he saw my memories, that he carried a Horcrux within him and he'd have to sacrifice himself. He will realise with you too. And he may be more than willing to help you. All I'm saying is don't turn him down, it might be what you both need.'

'I'm not going to use him.'

'Then do it on his terms, when he suggests it.'

'How do you know he's going to suggest it?'

'Because he will have noticed you only had one customer this morning and one customer doesn't pay the bills. And because I spent years studying him and second-guessing him. He's fairly predictable, give or take a few exceptions. His... hero-complex... will come into play. In fact, I'm surprised he hasn't just decided to act, perhaps he is gaining some of his mother's rationality as he matures and finally losing all his father's impulsiveness.'

'It's time you let go of that, Severus. Twenty-however-many years of pining after a dead woman who friend-zoned you is quite long enough.'

The sallow man in the portrait clamped his mouth shut into a tight line and his eyes narrowed as he glared at his godson.

'I know, I know... always,' muttered Draco. 'I'm going to take a bath and have an hour's sleep.' And he left the room.


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