Chapter 1: Unusual Campers

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Narrator: We see Wiz and Boomstick again at the same dock on the island.

Wiz: Hi, welcome back to this show.

Boomstick: It's time to meet our lucky or unlucky campers that we've chosen to compete.

We told them they'd be staying at a five-star hotel, so if they look a little angry...that's probably why.

Wiz: And here comes our first camper.

In that a small boat was arriving at the pier from which under a subject with a light red armor that covered his entire body.

Wiz: Look who we have here, if it's Sarge.

Boomstick: How's it going man?

Sergeant: Oh so this is where I'm staying for the next few weeks? Not bad, it reminds me of my years as a corporal in the army.

Wiz: Tell us, Sergeant, why did you come on this show?

Sergeant Well son, commanding an army is not easy at all and as much as I would like to stay home to continue kicking blue butt, my psychologist told me that it would be good to relax a little, so I decided to come to this contest to do exactly that.

Boomstick: Well, we can assure you that you will have unforgettable experiences here.

And look over there, here come our next campers.

When a second ship arrived, two subjects with armor very similar to the sergeant's, only one was orange and the other was reddish brown.

???1: (exalts) Nothing sweeter than the view of the sea.

???2: Do you think there is a free buffet?

Sergeant: Simmons? griff? are they yours?

Simmons: Sergeant?! What is he doing here?

Grif: Well, goodbye to my perfect vacation.

Sergeant: Stop whining Grif but... What are you two doing here?

Grif: Well it's all a mystery right, why are we here? Is it some kind of cosmic coincidence, or maybe it's a-

Simons: We won the tickets in a raffle.

Grif: (angry) Oh come on dude.

Simons: What? It was either that or let you keep theorizing about the universe.

Sergeant: Ash, well, I guess it's okay that you two are here, at least I already have someone to praise me and someone to yell at.

After that, a third boat arrived and four girls got off, one was with black hair with red tips, she was wearing a large blood-red hood and a set of black clothes, the second was white-haired with blue eyes , had a ponytail in her hair and a dress similar to that of a valet in light blue tones, the third had long blonde hair, a brown vest and bracelets on her wrists of the same color as her hair, the last one had She had long black hair, a black bow on her head that resembled cat ears, and her clothes were black and white.

Wiz: Gentlemen, we present to you the RWBY team, made up of Miss Ruby, Weiss, Jang, and Blake.

Just then the member known as Ruby lunges at Wiz and shakes her hand.

Ruby: Wow, this is so amazing, it's nice to meet you in person.

Weiss: Wait, we weren't going to stay in a five-star hotel, this place is so...

(Looks at the island for a few moments)


Jang: Oh come on ice queen, it's not so bad, this place is very peaceful, isn't it Blake?

Blake: It's okay...I guess.

In that, the RWBY team realizes the presence of the soldiers and the first to greet is Ruby herself.

Ruby: Hello! Nice to meet you, they are also campers.

Sergeant: That's right miss, we are the red team, oh at least part of it, I am the sergeant and by the way, I like your cape, it shows the fire inside you.

Ruby: Hehehe, thanks.

Sergeant: However, you should be careful with the blue girl next to you (pointing at Weiss)

Weiss: Who, me?

Ruby: (confused) I don't get it. Why do I have to take care of Weiss? she is my friend.

Sergeant: That's exactly what she wants you to think, just look at her, she's wearing the colors of our enemies the blue ones, surely she's a spy or something.

Weiss: (Angry) Hey old man, I'm not a spy and I don't know who those blues are that they talk so much about.

Sarge: Sure, keep lying to the rest, but don't lie to me blue, I'll be watching you.

All this was seen by the other members of their respective teams.

Yang: So... he does that often.

Simmons: Oh he's had better days, once he shot a blue balloon saying it was an enemy drone.

At that moment another ship arrived from which under another subject with armor similar to the previous ones, only this one was pink.

???: Hey, what's up people, one question, are we already on the air?

Simmons: Donut? What are you doing here?

Donut: Well, I was watching TV and a commercial for this place came on, I thought it was funny so I signed up.

Sarge: Simmons make a note, remind me to cut Donut's cord when we're not on base.

Simmons: Yes sergeant.

Yang: I'll guess, your friend.

Grif: Unfortunately yes.

However, before someone said anything else, another boat appeared from which two subjects with armor similar to that of the red team got off, but these armors had something diferent, their color instead of being some shade of red or close, a one was light blue and the other was navy blue.

???: Caboose, are you sure this is the place?

Caboose: Church, the boat guy told me this is the place.

Church: Well, it doesn't look like it, they told me this was going to be in a five-star hotel.

Caboose: Maybe they are one of those exclusive hotels in Paris.

Church: Caboose, first we're not in paris, second, why would that be in a rain forest? because I only see a mad scientist, a trucker with a shotgun for a leg, a group of girls with strange clothes and...

In that the blues realize the presence of the reds.

Church: Oh crap.

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