ch16 and where are you going: Xor

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Scott had left his favorite pair of earrings at home so those were one of the things he stole

"What did you steal" Scott asked

"Answer my question and I'll return one of the stolen items" Xornoth replied

"How many things did you steal?!" Scott asked

"Answer my question" Xornoth replied

Scott sighed "I went out for a while"

"Better answer your using simple ones to often" Xornoth replied

"I was out looking for something I lost a while ago" Scott answered

"Like what" Jimmy asked

"I can't answer that right now. Something I definitely don't want Xor Xor to know about it" Scott answered

"Is it that sword you told Gem about the Rune blade?" Xornoth asked

"What is the rune blade" Jimmy asked

"Also a answer that I don't want Xor to hear so why don't we go inside" Scott replied

He followed them inside but instead of completely following them he went to his room to grab Scott's earnings which he would accidentally drop the earnings in the jungle when he was going out to see Joey later

He put the earnings into his pocket

This time Xor was attempting to make food for the two of them this time

Jimmy walked in "can you just tell me where you hid the stuff?"

"Nope Frosty has to give me the answers I want" Xornoth answered

"At least the earnings I made him" Jimmy asked

And that was something that made the earnings Frosty's favorite

"Nope now I'm going out" Xornoth replied and pushed passed Jimmy and walked off

He guessed Jimmy was probably trying to find the stuff he had stole

You know what I'm just going to wear his earnings and see how long it takes for Frosty and Fish boy to notice

He put them on realizing that his hair covered the earnings

He walked out of the house

And took off and flew to the lost empire

He liked spending time with Joey Which was something he realized when he was leaving yesterday

Something about the lost empires king was just nice to be with

He landed down in front of the fire temple

And he walked inside

"Hi Xornoth" Joey said as he walked up

Apparently neither of them cared about him knocking first

"Hi" Xornoth replied

His hair was blown wildly and it now revealed his pointed ears and him wearing his brothers earnings that he had stolen

They were in the shape of icicles

"Are those new?" Joey asked and pointed at the earnings

"I stole um from Frosty last night and now I'm going on how long it well take for him and Fish boy to notice that I'm wearing them" Xornoth answered

"And then I'm going to get secrets out of him" Xornoth said

"He well probably not like you very much. Who is Fish boy" Joey asked

"The one Frosty lllooooovvveeessss" Xornoth answered

"You clearly don't want to let your brother keep anything to himself" Joey replied

"Yep he doesn't get secrets after he tells me stuff" Xornoth said

"Why don't we go get some dinner now?" Joey suggested

"Alright" Xornoth aggred

He hoped he could slip making dinner to Joey the times he had made dinner it tasted worse then Fish boy's cooking

And he ended getting Joey to cook and forget that he had said Xor was doing it this time

Joey was a awesome cook

The talked for a while and eventually Xornoth had to leave

It was offen that if you woke him up you got woken up at dawn

He landed back at Rivendell this time Jimmy was waiting for him inside

"Where are Scott's earnings there not in the stash of stolen items of Scott's I found" Jimmy asked

"Do you really think I'd be dumb enough to hid all my things in the same place" Xornoth asked

"No but I also found this" Jimmy said and put his actual book of pranks on the table

He tried to grab it but Fish boy pulled it away to quickly

Wow he's faster then I thought

"Wait....Are you wearing them!" Jimmy asked in a shout

"Maybe" Xornoth answered and quickly grabbed his book and dashed off

"Wearing what" Scott asked as he ran by

Scott had one of his owls with him

He ran into his room shut the door he went into one of his more obvious spots which had a hidden spot inside and he hid the earnings there and closed the spot

They found out quicker then I expected he thought as he sat down on his bed

Broken memory's? (a Empires SMP fanfic) *discontinued*Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz