"So are we all invited?" Tori asked the teacher out of curiosity.

"Of course you are!" Sikowitz responded, like it was a ridiculous question, the idea of his students not going to his wedding apparently never crossing his mind.

"Oh goodie." Jade said with thinly vailed sarcasm.

"Why are we all invited?" Beck asked.

"Because, and don't tell the other classes this, you are without a doubt the best class I have ever taught."

"Really?" Cat asked with wide happy eyes.

"Never in my life have I had a class be so engaged and so enthusiastic to learn the ways of acting, even those of you with no desire to pursue acting still came to every class and gave it your all." Sikowitz said with a smile. "You made me remember what I love about this job and because of you all I have had the greatest year of my life." The students could all feel themselves getting emotional, even Jade. They all knew this was the end of their time at hollywood arts, that they would never have Sikowitz as their teacher ever again, but this cemented it. "So thank you, all of you, for being the greatest students this old, coconut loving teacher could ever ask for."

"3 cheers for Sikowitz!" Andre announced and the class all cheered for their favourite teacher.

Sikowitz tried to hide his proud tears but was not very successful. The class finally settled down and he smiled at them all, "Well then, we have some time before we go off to the graduation ceremony, how about one final acting exercise?"

"Ooh alphabetical improv!" Cat suggested happily. Tori, Cat, Beck, Robbie, Jade and Andre got on stage.

"Amazing isn't it?" Andre began.

"Before we knew it, our final day arrived." Beck continued.

"Can't believe It's been 4 years already." Cat added, managing to play the game properly this time around.

"Dare I say they've been the best years?" Tori spoke. While she hadn't been at Hollywood arts as long as the others, she couldn't deny they'd been the best years in her 18 years of life.

"Every day here always had something weird going on." Robbie joked.

"From Christmas performances to proposals." Jade said.

"Good thing we had the best of friends to help us through." Tori added. She couldn't picture her life without the 5 people standing beside her right now. Even if they hadn't all always gotten along, even if they'd fought and gotten into trouble Tori was grateful for the sheer amount of joy these guys had brought her life.

"How are we gonna cope with not seeing each other every day?" Cat asked, a hint of sadness in her voice.

"I guess we'll just have to make sure we stay in touch." Beck said, trying to cheer up his friend.

"Just saying that though is easy, what if we get busy with performances or shows?" Robbie pointed out, a clear uneasiness at the idea of not seeing these guys all the time.

The group fell silent for a moment, the mood having shifted as they all now faced the sombre reality that if their careers did take off, all 6 of them meeting you would prove a challenge. Eventually Tori broke the silent with a weak "kangaroos."

Then, to everyone's surprise, the one to bring some optimism back to the group was Jade "Let's not let our final day be soured with doom and gloom."

"Maybe she's right." Andre said.

"No point in fearing what's next, we've got our whole lives ahead of us." Beck agreed.

"Of course!" Cat said excitedly.

Senior year (Victorious)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें