I stuffed the photo back under my clothes in my of my drawers because it brought up memories that I didn't want. Back to the time of when Louis was like the person who was my older brother. Who did everything with me and I didn't want to go back to past since the past is the past and this is now. Now is me being at the Olympics, me being me. Not anybody else.

Picking up my other bag I moved all my stuff to it and this time stuffed my earphones around my iPhone, which I placed in one of the side pockets. Mckayla had already done this since she was always ahead of the game; most of the time. Last night she packed. I pulled on my old, ratty Converse and walked out of the room. My Team USA jackets in my bag and the pants pulled up due to the heat here in London; warmer than it was most summers. All the girls starred at me; except for Mckayla; as I sat down next to her.

"What's going on here?" I asked. Aly looked kind of nervous, the little vein in her neck popping a bit.

"You might want to see this," Aly said before passing a laptop over. I glanced down over the article but nothing stood out of it except, "Marta Karoyli's Dream Team," and such.

"Uh what's this about?" I asked again and this time Jordyn looked over my shoulder.

"Wrong article ," She said addressing Aly before clicking on another tab.

Records prove TEAM USA Olympic Gymnast to be One Direction Member's Little sister.

I blinked my eyes starring at the title. Shock. The only feeling that I could feel at the moment. I continued to look down the article. There was no way they could have gotten my birth records, my gymnastics records, my adoption records. They were all confidential information in the US' system. Nothing public but so were the other gymnasts. Only another gymnast that has permission can go and take the other's records and even then; they had to have some relation to you. Like immediate family or permission from a parent or such sort.

"What the hell happened?" I asked.

"We don't know. Nobody could get those records except for the judges, you, Marta, the US, and Misty. Or maybe your parents but even then they wouldn't be public to anybody," Mckayla explained just as a knock at the door sounded. Misty looked at me and I got up to open the door. I unlocked the inside and opened it. Outside stood the people I never wanted to see again but who wouldn't stop bothering me.

"Oh hell no," I said just as I began to shut the door a shoe got in the way.

"Can you just go and do whatever it is you do when you don't bother Olympians?" I asked.

"No, we can't," One of their voices said while the another yelled, "Simon,". I pushed my back against the door but it pushed open.

"See two against one always beats," Louis taunts me.

"Whatever," I replied walking back into the living room and sitting next to Mckayla. The other girls looked back and then noticed who it was before they turned to me. Misty didn't have any reaction, she had her coach face on.

The 5 boys walked into the room followed by a middle-aged man who the entire world knew as Simon Cowell. I groaned because I knew for a fact that this probably wasn't going to turn out well. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, willing myself to calm down and when I opened my eyes my brother was sitting right across from me.

"Mrs. Kilartris. You called me," Simon said. Misty called him.

"Yes. Because I need to know who did this. My daughter and pupil is due to compete tonight and they may take away that right and put an alternate did due to this not clearing up," Misty replied. I felt my mouth open wide.

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