"Haha very funny." Dean points to under my seat telling me to grab whatever it is down there. I wouldn't be surprised if it was a map of the town considering he had no GPS system set up in his car. As if he reads my thoughts he says "Relax, the foldable map is in my glove department." We both laughed. Instead, I pull out a warn down cardboard box filled with old cassettes and mixtapes sorting from Zeppelin to Bon Jovi. "You have great taste I see." Dean's face lights up and flushes with what I assume is slight embarrassment of me rummaging through his things.

"I'd taken you for more of a Queen or Green Day kinda guy" Dean says as he grabs a Zeppelin cassette and slides it in.

"Both are some of my favorites but I do have an appreciation for the classics."

"I knew I liked you" Dean smiles. My thoughts of what Dean could have meant by that statement are cut off when "Ramble On" starts playing. Dean hums along and taps the steering wheel to the beat as we continue down the roads. I find peace in Dean's car, something about the leather interior that smells intoxicatingly like white musk and masculinity. Dean's Baby was enough of a character, but Dean himself was more. His soothing hums could put me to sleep any day and they almost succeeded. Instead of succumbing to a peaceful slumber I dedicated my attention to the trees and buildings passing by us letting the aroma sway me. It was almost as if we were passing through time and I could get used to that feeling.

By the time we pulled into a parking lot I was a lot more comfortable with Dean's presence. The sign on the building said "The Roadhouse" and I had remembered a bit where we were. Hannah and I had a date here eons ago but now all my mind could focus on was Dean who was now opening my car door for a second time this evening.

Dean continues the chivalry as he opens the door to the bar, allowing me in first. Okay, so he's either really courteous or this is a date?! My mind was absolutely jumbled at the thought of being on a first date and not even knowing it. I mean, are my clothes really first date appropriate? I literally have my casual oxfords on!

Noticing my eternal panic, Dean guides me by my shoulder to a booth in the corner so we are away from the usual hustle and bustle.

"Everything okay, Cas" his endearing tone was present again and I felt weird in my stomach.

"Everything is fine, Dean. I guess it has just been awhile that I have been out, since Jack."

Dean smiled and signaled a server over. I recognized her from town but Dean seemed to know her well. "Heya, Jo" Dean gleamed. "Hiya Dean" the attractive young and petite blonde girl said as she leaned down into the booth and gave Dean a kiss on the cheek. I felt a pain in my chest that I couldn't explain. "This is Cas, I met him and his (now dead) car yesterday." I waved hello and the girl enthusiastically shook my hand. Wow, she seems cheerful. "I'm Jo and Dean is like my fake older bro. Surprised to see him out and about, especially with a cute nerdy guy." Dean paused and I blushed. Well that explains their friendly relationship. Maybe this was a date? Dean awkwardly chuckled and placed our order of drinks. 

Silence fell over our table swiftly after Jo left to get our drinks. "If you don't mind me asking, are y'a married or something?" I returned his comment with a surprised expression.

"Uh, no...no I'm not. Jack's mom is not in the picture and has not been since he was born. I'm just maneuvering being a single father and it is not as easy as it may seem, partially why I don't get out much."

Dean looked at me as if he were waiting for me to continue which I respected. I got lost in his glimmering green eyes as I attempted to push words out of my mouth. Dean must have noticed our growing staring contest and fell back into his seat more, making us both realize we were drawn to each other and were leaning over the table.

"Well, I am sorry to here that but it is better that Jack has people who want to be in life, people who care. And just from meeting you only a day ago I can tell you care and you are doing a hell of a job raising the kid." We both smiled wide at each other and I was now more sure that I was developing feelings for this stranger.

"So, Dean, you've seen my kid, my obnoxious brother, and my house and yet I know so little about you. Why relocate to such a small town?"

Dean shifted in his seat and I knew I was in for an interesting tale. "Well, it's only fair. Growing up it was mostly just me and Sammy. Da- John was there but not a great father. We moved around a lot after my mom passed in a house fire when I was four." He paused, and I almost regretted asking him because it was clear some bad memories were appearing again. Dean places his hand on top of mine and continues, "I've been a lot of places, Cas, but Sioux Falls just feels like home. I mean I got Bobby, Sammy, and a car garage waiting for me. I mean, hell, I even got some new friends, hopefully." Dean said that last line as if he were asking. "Yes, Dean, I'd consider this to be a blossoming friendship" I replied smiling forgetting our hands were now intertwined across the table. We both looked to our clasped hands and I thought I saw Dean blush. Then I finally caved.

"Dean, is this a date?"

My question may have caught Dean off because his eyes went a little wider and I immediately thought my bold assumption was inappropriate. Then he only squeezed my hand tighter. "I think this is whatever you want it to be, Cas" He grinned.

"I would like this to be a date, if that is alright. Though, I think we should take our time with this, whatever it may be." Dean chuckled and relaxed a bit, "I couldn't agree more." By now we were smiling and blushing so hard we surely looked like two middle schoolers. We didn't notice our drinks were on the table until Jo startled us by saying "Okay, lover boys. Two cold beers for y'a. Anything else I can get you two?"

Dean ordered himself something called a whiskey bacon burger and fries and I settled for my drink. I did reassure Dean that I'd take a fry if I wanted one and he grinned letting me know he did not mind. We sat with our drinks for a bit in a comfortable silence enjoying the surroundings of the crowded bar, hands still roped together.

For the Love of Jackजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें