okay. next q: while you were writing the heavy, emotional scenes, how do you set the mood?

Cee: I don't recommend this but... I read the letter the IRL gave me (that inspired me to write DXYZ) and it sets the mood up. I also listen to music that hits deep in the soul for more feels.

Me: Yeah, your music does hit deep! While Anticipate's playlist is more playful and fun, I really felt the pain while listening to DXYZ's playlist.

Cee: Yess!!🤣 That's why I really tell the people who read that if they want kilig stuff they should go to Anticipate!

Me: I was one of these people.😂

Me: okay. next q: what do you do to get inside your character's heads?

Cee: Getting into Riny's character was easy because I mirrored myself to her. Regy, on the other hand... It took time for me to get into his character since I needed to imagine I'm in his shoes. So I imagine what it would be like if I was the one going through Regy's pain. In short, I hurt myself with my own mind😭✌🏻

Me: Don't worry. You hurt us, too!</3

Cee: kasi nga damay damay😗✌🏻

Me: okay. next q: are there any plans for a sequel in the indeterminable future? or perhaps a spin-off/short story?

Cee: as of now, my answer would be not yet. I am currently writing another Irene and Greggy book called "Goodbye To Love" which is ironic because the story isn't going to end in shambles. It would be the opposite. So, maybe... Soon

Me: That's exciting to hear!

Me: quick q: whom do you ship? Regy and Riny? Milo and Riny?

Cee: Idealistically, Regy and Riny. But in reality? I ship Milo and Riny more...

Me: Hmm. Not a popular opinion but I have to say I do agree. Regy and Riny were all the feels, but in the end, it just couldn't be.

Cee: Regy and Riny's relationship was draining. love shouldn't be that. it should be countless of understandings and never having the thought of breaking up. However, Milo and Riny's relationship had peace. And that's something Regy could never give.

Me: Exactly! What most readers don't understand is that Regy did try, but that one huge red flag was when he didn't do more to try and reach out to Irene while she was studying abroad. The next huge flag was when he just let Riny know the news of his marriage through the news. It was painful, but I told myself they had to let each other go because of that.

Cee: I don't blame the readers... We all want something idealistic, the one we see in movies.

Me: TBH, I felt drained, too.😭😅

Cee: The relationship was on and off.🤣

Me: okay okay okay. here comes this q I've been wanting to ask since forever: would it be possible to have a version of Anticipate and DXYZ to completely not contain explicit scenes? could that be accomplished? how would you do that?

Cee: Yes! There are a lot of stories that is still breathtaking without the explicit contents. I think DXYZ only had one? And Anticipate had two while Serendipity had 1... If it needs to be revised, I'll be cooperative to unpublish the said chapters <3

A/N: for those wondering where Serendipity is, it's just in Anticipate. The author just put the two stories in one book.

Me: Would the plot be affected with the removal of said chapters?

Cee: For DXYZ, the plot wouldn't be affected. But for Anticipate, i think if we remove the first explicit scene, the plot will be affected since that's where they met again. But the other explicit scenes would be totally fine to remove. For the first explicit scene on Anticipate, I could rewrite it and make it not explicit. It would still connect to the story. I can manage that.

#AraCos SpotlightOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora