the Memory of an Tragedy

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Entrapta's Pov

I woke up in the middle of the night I got out of bed and headed towards the kitchen the kitchen staff quit back when the horde took over dryl I yawned and opened the kitchen door I walked inside and saw the cabinet was left open I tried reaching for the cookie jar full of normal sized cookies ..I cant manage to make this small when they rise they always end up big ...I should make an robot to fix that problem!I thought bright eyed .I shook my head to continue reaching I was too short dangit! I jumped up and couldn't reach it, dangit!I untied one of my hair buns and reached it with my hair I took out 3 cookies and ate them with delight I put the  top back on the jar ,then proceeded to put the jar back in the cabinet I closed the cabinet and put my pigtail back in its bun I clean up the crumbs with my hand then lick them off my hand and walk back to the bedroom through the dining room its shorter I stop in my tracks as I look at an old portrait of the robot parents I made for myself when I was 6 ...they weren't my real parents .yet they reminded me of them so much my mom made the best tiny food my dad would sing beautiful songs I remember it all. I grab my tape recorder that I always keep with me and take it out of my pocket I ,rewind it back to its first long and listen carefully but make sure I keep the volume quiet hordak is able to hear well at night so he might hear me even though Im in the dining room ...

6 year old Entrapta: Log number 1 my parents got me this for my birthday 2 years ago and I havent used it till now ,I don't know what's happening but there was an big bright thing it was orange red and black and it turned things into ash I thing it was an fire I also heard big booms that hurt my ears and then I tripped and an wardrobe fell on me a person  got me out and led me away from the palace and my mommy and daddy weren't there I waited  there for about five hours and he never came back and then *sob* and giant Boom came and the palace fell it collapsed everything was ash and gone and I couldn't find my parents they're gone .

I feel tiny tearlets on my cheeks I remember every detail I was too young at the time to remember most of it but now I remember everything the true version of events... It was an dark September night and I woke up I got some cookies out of the jar and ate them I noticed an fire at the time I didn't know it was an fire I noticed it turned everything it touched into ash and I ran away I saw it spread and I was so scared I was surrounded by flames and I backed into the drawer it fell trapping me by my hair that figure I saw that she that helped me wasn't an person though it was my hair .. That was the day I learned I was able to move it I just didn't know that was it it was too blurry to see I guess my hair cast the shadow in the shape of a person and I  coincidently stumbled out then I waited for hours waiting for my mom and dad but they never came I was crying and then some soldiers came and they said that they were from bright moon they heard about the fire and wanted to help they were shouting to see if anyone was there  before they could say anything else the castle exploded I felt an piece of metal fly on top of me it was on fire and gave me a scar on the middle of my chest the scar was shaped like an teardrop before I could be burnt anymore an guard found me and asked me questions like "who I was" I responded with my formal title my parents told me to address myself as when talking to strangers with was "Princess Entrapta of dryl " the man made an sad face realising that I was the only on left but he was slightly happy that there was someone left I was the only one left just me the heir to the throne of dryl already being declared the technical queen at age 6 I still referred to myself as an princess although I wasn't ready to grow up the man asked me more questions like "do you know where your parents are" I responded with no  he then asked more and more questions "how old are you " how did you get out?" Do you know when were and how the fire started" I said Im 6 I was led out by an figure and  then  I said the fire started in the kitchen I don't know anything else we then checked the rubble for any survivors and surviving items but I was the only living thing left of dryl's castle I had some items my dads old tool set stuffed animal Mrs.Rabbit and 2 outfits I stayed in bright moon and got to plan the blueprints for dryl while there I found my passion for making machines and my ability to move my hair I met glimmer briefly but it was only 6 words and 2 waves those 5 words being "Hi Im Entrapta what's Your name?" And an wave hello and then goodbye as I was shuttered somewhere else they just prepared me to be the queen of my kingdom then so I don't blame glimmer for not remember me I barely remembered her until she did an familiar action last month that I remembered she was the girl I met .

That's how it all happened I felt big tears streaming down my cheek ..They never found my parents bodies I never touched anything flammable since then everything I own is Fire free.. Its Alot of pressure I didn't realise then but now its .. alot I wipe the tears off my face rapidly and walk into the bedroom I lay on the bed facing away from hordak I fall asleep easily maybe it'll be a better day tomorrow

Word count 1090

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