Chapter 8 the days fade

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Me and Sophia had decided to move in together. Or more like sleep together forever, the pain of having to sleep alone knowing there' someone else in the valley who cares for you and is the lost piece of you. But its no longer lost its with Sophia its her she cares for me and shines.

I woke up to her not by my side wondering where she was it was the 24th of spring and I was excited to walk into town with my girlfriend. We had skipped the egg festival and instead decided on instead a nice anime session on the couch would be nicer.

I poured Aphrodites food and walked out the farm door. Spring was a wonderful season the cauliflower was almost in full bloom on the farm and my animals had never been happier with someone to pet them everyday with me they got double the pets. But my eyes weren't on the farm today.

They were on her I looked outside to see my darling Sophia. I always thought that slow motion scenes in movies were over the top when there was a love interest but she proved me wrong. Her slender hands beautiful physique and amazing hair she ment my gaze and simply tilted a smile.

Sophia ran up to me and grabbed my hand she wore a elegant dress sapphire blue it shun like a jewel. "Hey honey!!! are you ready for the flower dance!? I know im usually not big on crowds but I wanted to show you off today im not big on dances in public maybe I can give you a private dance tonight?" She smiled big and wide my biggest weakness

"Sure honey! Id love that. Itll be fun having our first appearance in town as a couple." I still felt bad at us missing the first one. But its time to make up for that my arm had mainly healed and only had a cast and pain with it now. But it was a reminder a reminder first to not go into the mines on a bad luck day and a reminder to be there for Sophia in person not fancy gifts but love wins her heart.

"Hey lets go do your makeup honeybun!" Sophia took my hand and led me to my bathroom, Sophia never left home without her makeup kit and dolled me up even some eyeliner so id look extra pretty at the dance. She dolled me up and presented me with a fresh sown dress it was pure pink and a lovely red flower to match.

"For my flower queen" Sophia pecked me on the cheek and smiled she always knew just what to say.

Taking her hand into the forest I led us into the festivities. We sat down at a table hand in hand.

"So you started dating huh Athena! And to think I tried to get you set up with Sam in town" Lewis chuckled suprised to see me holding hands with a girl.

"Yeah we've been dating for a season" I smiled looking over at Sophia as she enjoyed her grampleton chicken. I hugged her just happy to be with her.

Sophia finished her bite and teased " I couldn't help it when she asked me looking so cute I know if I didn't she would be by herself" She joked pushin my shoulder in a fun manner. As Marnie Gus Lewis and Maru all laughed.

"Hey! You asked me out!!!!! Dork" I snapped back not so happy she decided to mess with me the second we got here. "Ima go mingle a bit Sophia" I looked around it was still weird having to be public about our relationship. " I uhm love you Sophia." I kissed her head and waved as I barely whispered my words.

I walked around and mingled a bit talking to the townsfolk. "Hey Athena! hows the arm going girl?" Sam asked me as I stopped by.

"Its doing alot better! I can finally do some farm work and get around" I smiled happy I could do some work before I could continue...

"Make sure you have a dance partner if you plan to participate in the flower dance!!" Lewis smiled over the mic

"Holy shit! I forgot to make sure!" I ran over to Sophia leaving Sam behind right before I got stopped by Scarlet.

Pink has never been so pretty Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz