2. We'll Meet Again

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Bucky and (y/n) spent their night drinking and chatting for what seemed like hardly any time at all, when in fact hours had passed. When the final song played, the two lovebirds got up and joined everyone else for a final dance, tipsily swaying to the slow beats of the trumpets and saxophones. Steve watched from afar, smiling at his friend as he showed a new side to himself. 

"Thank you very much for coming ladies and gentlemen." Howard smiled as he waved off the skeleton crowd that was left. "Have a great evening and get home safe." Howard winked at (y/n) and she smiled back, waving him off. Bucky looked up at Howard then back to (y/n), his arm still around her waist, holding their bodies close.

"So how do you know Howard, if you aren't a thing?" Bucky asked cautiously. (y/n) laughed.

"Uhm, I work for him. I guess." Bucky raised an eyebrow.

"Work for him?"

"Yeah, honey. I work for him. And I ain't a receptionist."

"I never thought you would be." Bucky grinned, pulling away to applaud the band as they played the finishing note. Steve walked over to them.

"Hey Buck, ma'am. I am gonna head home, I'm beat. Thanks for comin' with me tonight."

"Sure thing, Jerk." Bucky smiled. 

"Punk." Steve replied with a smile and headed off. Bucky turned to (y/n).

"You stay close by doll? Can I walk ya home?"

"Sure thing." She grinned.

The two walked slowly through the streets of Brooklyn, telling each other their life stories.

"Yeah, I was an only child." (y/n) said with a hint of sadness in her voice. "My momma wasn't right after she had me."

"I'm sorry, doll." Bucky replied solemnly. (y/n) lit up and squeezed his arm.

"I look after her now. My dad's fightin'."

"I'll be out there with him soon." Bucky sighed.

"Are you nervous?"

"Yeah. But good to feel like I'm doin' somethin', you know?"

"Yeah." She smiled softly at him. She had his coat over her shoulders in a poor attempt to keep some heat in. They walked in comfortable silence for a while, until Bucky spoke up again.

"Can I ask you somethin'?"


"Will you get coffee with me tomorrow?" 

"I'd love to." She smiled back. (y/n) thought to herself as they walked, she had never felt a connection quite like this to a man before. When she met his eyes on stage, there was something in her that drew her to him. She liked his soft features, kind eyes, and cheeky smile. There was something about Bucky Barnes. She glanced over him whilst thinking about this, not realising she was staring.

"You got a starin' problem or somethin'?" She snapped out of her trance as Bucky asked, feeling her cheeks go hot but not looking away.

"What about it?"

"Nothin' I guess. I'm not complaining." Bucky laughed.

"Seemed like you were." (y/n) retorted teasingly.

Bucky liked (y/n) not only because of her beauty, but she matched his wit. She had the same determination, humour, and kindness that Steve has. Bucky noted how quickly they had clicked, the only other person in his life who matched that was in fact, Steve. They were stopped in the middle of the street now, looking into one another eyes, lost in thought.

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