✈ My King, LanaDelHiddleston ✈

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title; My King

author; LanaDelHiddleston

theme; Romantic, Deep, Mysterious

subtitle; none.

characters; Thranduil and Legolas (From Hobbit) and my own character Eruanna (Elf)

description/summary; Eruanna was the daughter of a convicted elf on the run. Eruanna did not know much kindness in life until she came across a elf named Legolas, he was kind and sweet and treated her like an equal. With no where to go Eruanna agrees to accompany him back to his castle. However his father, the King Thranduil is less than pleased. Straight away he can tell who she belongs to but why does that make him so angry?...Eruanna could not understand why the king was so cold..and no matter how much she tried she couldn't help herself caring about him and why can't he get her out of his mind?.. And what will he do when he finds out his son also has feelings for her?....

suggestions; none.

sorry for the long wait. xo

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