Chapter 1 (revision)

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Sunday September 30th, 2029

The entire football team plus Hope were on the bus with Dorian driving them into town for a day of community service much to all of their disappointment. Although Josie and Penelope were using the bus ride to their advantage. Penelope was straddling Josie's lap and they were in the middle of a pretty intense make out secession that was leaving Hope, who was sitting alone across the aisle, a little uncomfortable to the point she had to look away as she rubs her thighs together at the pooling of her arousal. She had never told anyone, not even her family, that since she was 13 she's had a crush on both Penelope and Josie. After the death of her parents and uncle her crush on the girls was still there, if anything her feelings for them grew, but she refused to tell them for many reasons the biggest two being, A, they had started dating while she had been gone and B, which was the biggest reason was that she felt that everyone she was close with got hurt or died. She couldn't put either girl in danger so instead she kept her distance, but always watched over them to make sure they were safe. Hope is pulled out of her thoughts as the bus pulls to a stop and Dorian announces for them to get off and get to work. Right from the get go the teens bicker and groan about the assignments before separating and getting to work. Hope is stabbing trash when she whips around upon someone clearing their throat, normally she would have heard someone coming up behind her, but she was caught off guard because she had been staring at Josie and eavesdropping on her and Lizzie's arguing.

"Whoa! Sorry I didn't mean to startle you, Hope."

"Its okay Penelope, I was just focused."

"Focused on trash or Josie?" Penelope smirks, Hope blushes and stutters at being caught. "Don't worry I don't mind, she is gorgeous."

"Uh, sorry did you need something?" Hope shakes her head slightly, trying to gather her thoughts having caught herself nodding to Penelope's statement.

"No, just figured I'd come check on you since Lizzie stole Josie away to fight again."

"Oh, I'm all good, just doing my time."

"Hmm, well maybe we could work together." Penelope takes a step closer towards Hope causing the slightly shorter girl to blush and stumble backwards into a tree. "Awe, does little ol' me make The Hope Mikaelson nervous?" Hope face heats up more as Penelope smirks and rakes her eyes over her.

"W-what? No of course not!" Hope tries to stand her ground, but fails as Penelope steps even closer, their tasks completely forgotten.

"You know I don't believe you. I know you think you're subtle, but you're not. I see the way you look at Josie and I, like today on the bus." Penelope steps even closer putting a hand besides Hope's head on the tree trunk and the other on her hip. Hope can't help the shiver that travels down her spine. "It turned you on didn't it, watching us, wishing it was you that we were kissing." She whispers into Hope's ear, smirking when Hope whimpers barely audible. Looking past Hope and the tree she sees Josie heading their way with a smirk and shaking her head. "I'm not done with you, but we will finish this later." Penelope steps back as Josie comes closer.

"Hey, babe! What are you two doing?" Josie asks with a knowing smirk when she reaches Penelope's side.

"Nothing much just talking, how'd it go with Lizzie?"

"Ugh, the normal. She's mad that she doesn't have all of my attention."

"I'm sorry, JoJo." Penelope kisses Josie softly on the lips.

"So, Hope why did you get forced into community service anyways? You weren't at the game."

"Dr. Saltzman caught me doing magic."

"Really? I thought he allowed you to use outside of class?" Penelope questions, also knowing that there are for sure ways around the spell that alerts Emma when magic is used as Josie and her know.

"Nope, no special treatment as he put it, but I had a package coming that I didn't want Mr. nosy to go through, so i had it shipped to my aunt's house and then summoned for it when it arrived there."

"Oh and what was in said package?" Penelope questions with a raised eyebrow.

"Nothing!" Hope speaks quickly and blushes as if they would be able to read her mind.

"Oh well now I'm intrigued as well." Josie smiles softly making Hope melt, she can never resist Josie's beautiful smile.

"It was just something personal, besides I don't think anyone likes their headmaster looking through their mail." Hope crosses her fingers that they'll drop it and much to her relief they seem to do.

"Okay well we should get back to work unless we want to be out here all day." Josie picks up her own bag with a half smile and the three of them get back to work. This only last for about a half hour or so before Jed and Raf starts arguing which quickly turns into a physical fight and others start joining in. Once the fight is put to a halt they all get loaded onto the bus with a disappointed Dorian scolding them the entire ride back to school.

"Okay everyone the following students need to go to Dr. Saltzman's office immediately. Jed, Kaleb, Lizzie, Josie, Penelope, MG, Rafael, and Hope. He is waiting for all of you so on your way you go, the rest of you straight to your rooms till dinner." Dorian's eyes trace over each student before him as he speaks the disappointment clear in his eyes.

Alaric's Office

"I am extremely disappointed in all of you, first the fight at the game and now you all are starting fights with each other. I'm sick and tired of all of your misbehavior, so Ms. Tigg and I have come up with an idea. You all need to learn to get along, you don't have to like each other, but the fighting has to stop so this coming Saturday all eight of you are going camping for an entire week." Alaric is interrupted by a chorus of angry 'what's'.
"Silent! You all are going, I've already contacted all of your families and have gotten their permission. You will have this week to pack, but only the necessities, clothes and hygiene items, everything else will be provided. You are all due out front of the school at 5 am sharp on Saturday with your bags packed, said bags will be checked by Ms. Tigg or I before they are loaded onto the bus where they'll stay until we arrive at the campsite. This trip will just be the eight of you, but the rules will still be in affect. This means no magic or supernatural powers of any kind. MG, you'll be in charge of the boys and Josie, you'll be in charge of the girls, but you all are to work together. Now the bags you are each to use are next to the door please grab one each as you leave, we will meet Friday after class to talk about any last minute details. Everyone's dismissed but, Hope please stay behind." Everyone but Hope leaves grumbling and grabbing a bag.

"What did you need Dr. Saltzman?" Hope fights the urge to roll her eyes.

"We need to talk about telling the students about you being a full tribrid, or at least the group that is going camping along side you."

"No thank you, is that all?"

"Hope they'll most likely find out, you can't go the entire trip without feeding."

"None of them like me as it is, I don't need them to have more to hold against me. Besides I wasn't even apart of the fight that broke out and I did my community service so why am I even going?"

"Because you need to make friends and this is a great opportunity for you to make some."

"Really, with Jed, the jackass that repeatedly tries to get me to join his pack and submit to him as alpha? Rafael, who hate me for not fighting for Landon to stay? Kaleb, who I can almost guaranty is feeding off the locals right under your nose? Or Lizzie, who has repeatedly talks shit about me and seems to hate me for who knows what?"

"Well uh, that still leaves MG and Dorian told me Penelope, Josie and you were talking before the fight." Alaric speaks more like he is asking a question.

"Ugh, whatever can I just go now? And no I'm not telling anyone."

"Fine, yes go hide in your dorm like always."

"Thanks I planned on it." Hope storms out of the office grabbing the last bag on her way out.

Legacies: a phosie(Penelope, Hope, Josie) rewriteOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz