Potion Delivery

Start bij het begin

She grabbed a toy sword that displayed on the mantle pushed a button.

Sword: I shall smite my enemies, agessixtoeleven.

She then tossed it aside over our heads.

Eda: But most days, I only sell the finest elixirs and potions.

We rummaged through our sacks and pulled out a bottle each.

Luz: Snake oil.

Madelene: Demon ointment.

Eda: No one, wants an unoiled snake or, a non-ointmented demon. Now follow me.

We followed her to a balcony that overlooked the town.

Eda: Today both of you will be delivering packages and sell potions to that town over there.

Eda: Today both of you will be delivering packages and sell potions to that town over there

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Eda: Bonesborough.

The wind picked up and was lightly blowing our hair back, I feel like this place has a thing for dramatic effect.

Eda: You'll have to be careful. I have rivals everywhere that would love to take my business down and you two along with it. You wanted a dangerous magical quest? Sister you got one.

Madelene: So, I'm just along for the ride on her quest?

Eda: Technically yeah, but might as well make money while you're at it, right?

Madelene: Yeah, that seems fair.

Luz: We won't let you down miss Eda.

Luz turned and did a salute, but her sack slipped out of her hand. We looked over the railing then heard the sack crash on the ground making me facepalm.

Eda: I'm sure.

I went a head of them and waited for them outside as Eda had to give Luz another sack, she was pushing Luz to the door warning her not to trust a man in sandals and to measure twice, cut once.

Luz: Uhhhh..

Eda: Good luck.

Eda waved her finger making the door close.

Eda's POV

I dusted my hands as I walked to King, I nudged him with my hand to wake him up.

Eda: I hate to interrupt your power nap, but you have to go with them, more so Luz.

King: What!? But I just found the perfect spot. Why do I have to go? Plus, Madelene's going with her.

Eda: You and I know that Luz is gonna get lost or eaten, probably both, even with Madelene there.

Luz then pressed her face on the window startling us.

Luz: No I won't!

Madelene: Luz, down!

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