act one, chapter three • a surprise swim

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"is it later yet?" venti said, shooting an anemo-infused arrow at klee's bomb and causing it to fly up high, exploding in the sky like a firework, making her squeal excitedly.

veritas looked at venti out of the corner of her eye. she was sitting on the wall of the bridge, swinging her legs over the still water.

"i don't think there's anything to discuss," veritas said shortly, her back to her friend, letting her shawl fall off her shoulder a little in the warm late afternoon breeze.

"i disagree. do you need to be reminded of the instructions i gave all those years ago?"

"stop." veritas said quietly, trying with all her strength not to let her voice break. "why are you being this way?"

"i could ask the same of you." venti countered.

"you're never normally like this. stop acting like you're superior to me."

"and there's your problem." venti interrupted. "the fact that you're even saying that..."

veritas scowled, brows furrowed together.

"you can't be serious. two and a half thousand years together, and you still see yourself superior?"

venti was silent, drawing another arrow and letting it fly. only the giggles of the small girl could be heard.

"you're right. i'm sorry, zepar. but..."

"always a but..."

"you know the rules. i say this because i worry for you. i c-"

"he's here! he's angry!" two knights of favonius and three adventurer's guild members came sprinting down the bridge. veritas turned, throwing her shawl back on securely as the sun hid behind a fog of cloud. the air buzzed and swirled angrily, and veritas could sense evil in the air.

"who's here? what's going on?" veritas shouted, standing up with her back to the lake as venti pulled klee away from the edge of the bridge and into his arms. "hey! what's go-"

a short, blond boy about the same age and build as venti streaked past veritas, slamming into her in his panic and knocking veritas into the water.

the heavy wind made the water in the lake surge angrily, washing over veritas' face and not allowing her to come up for air. too disoriented to use her anemo powers, veritas' mind turned at a mile a minute as she quickly ran out of oxygen.

i must...
but he warned me...
i'll die!
there must be some other way...
there are people watching, mortals...
i could change their minds...
no, i couldn't... i would kill them...

before she could come to a conclusion, a force lifted her gracefully out of the water and placed her gently on the stone bridge.

"took your time," she grumbled to the green-clad bard, shivering and angry.

"miss, i am so sorry, i didn't-" the distraught boy's eyes widened as he took in veritas' facial features. "captain veritas! oh, that's just my luck... i am so, so, sorry, captain! i promise you, i would never-"

"you're forgiven," veritas nodded begrudgingly, cutting him off as venti took off on foot; harnessing the winds would be too dangerous, what with this unknown creature controlling them at the moment. the two knights at the gate beckoned desperately towards the party, slowly rolling down the gate entrance.

"the city's going into lockdown!" veritas shouted over the swirling wind, ducking under the gate with the blond boy in tow. "what happened back there, felix?"

"felix?" the boy shouted, adjusting the goggles on his head as he ran. "my name's bennett."

"felix means 'lucky'. you said it was 'just your luck' knocking me into cider lake. i was joking, it was a joke. funny!" veritas yelled back as they sprinted through the deserted city, everybody inside their houses, closing their shutters and their stalls, an eerie silence rang through the city, bar the sound of the violent wind and the yelling of the party of four.

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