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What is a life of a mere mortal to a god..?


a lot apparently...




It was a car crash. A couple along with their child were driving in the car. A truck sped past, too fast for the couple to notice. When they finally did, the father desperately tried to move the car while the mother used her body to shield her child from the impact. The truck crashed into the front of the car, flipping it over. The kid's parents didn't make it.

The kid was crawling to his mother's body, his hair was matted with blood and debris. He was littered with cuts and bruises all over. Shards of glass pricked the kid's hands as black dots swirled and his vision became darker every minute. He ignored it just to push a little further, even as his body gave in on him. The kid fell unconscious, just mere inches away from his mother's corpse.




A flicker of light

Like those who entered in his domain so many times in the past

So warm and bright, a spark contrast to the usual dark and dreary atmosphere

And as many souls before it, many cling desperately to the little light they still have. Clinging for a way back, a way to return.

And yet, the light would soon fade away as the souls drifts away into the afterlife, joining the others before it.




Or so he thought...




Even as the strings of fate bound it

It struggled against it

The soul still remained

Flickering as it drifts between life and death




In the end




Against all odds




The paramedics arrived on the scene soon after

Working swiftly, they were able to carry the youth back to the ambulance

Following behind, the corpses of the parents are covered with a white cloth

The ambulance drove on the way to the hospital

daffodils blooming in the gardenWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt