Is she leaving?

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  @sammykkkk you gave me the inspiration for the ending. Thank You

Also, Blake is on the side.

When Mae woke up Saturday morning, she made herself breakfast.

She made herself eggs, bacon, French toast, and cheese grits.

Mae was eating at the table by herself and when she was about to get up to wash her plate, Blake and Jessica walked in.

Blake looked at her with a sympathetic look on his face, but quickly wiped it off when Jessica looked at him and asked him, "Are you hungry?"


Blake was a self made millionaire. He has three businesses in three different states.

New York, Miami, and California (where he and Mae live).

He sells his own appliances, has three successful alcohols, and owns many hotels around the world.

Mae had a doctor's appointment so she washed her dish, took a shower, and got dressed.

Mae wore a black sundress with black flip flops.

"So Mae how's the pregnancy?"

The doctor asked her.


"That's good so are you ready to find out the sex?"


The doctor put the gel on her stomach and moved the device around until she found the baby.

"From what I can see, you are havng a..."

The anticipation was killing Mae.

"A girl!"

Mae was really happy that she was having a girl, but it hurt not to have Blake by her side.

She went to starbucks, got some water, and sat in the corner.

Mae tried to call her parents and some other family members, but nobody answered.

So she tried the only person she thought would possibly answer.

Her brother, Derek.


"Hey Derek. It's me, Mae."


"I know you probably hate me, but I really need someone right now."


"Please say something."

"I umm...Why are you calling me?"

"I really need somebody to talk to."

"Why don't you go talk to that white man you married?"

Mae knew this was coming.

Ever since she was in middle school, her parents always told her to never date a white person and when she did in high school, they started to slowly dislike her for it.

"Derek I really don't want to talk about him."

"Fine. What do you want?"

"I'm having a baby."

"Really? By?"


"Oh...Well how does he feel about you being pregnant?"

Mae hates lying, but she didn't want her brother to hate her so she said, "He's really happy about it."

"That's good. So I was thinking on visiting you."

MaeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora