Assistant Lifeguard Luca

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Speaking of Giulia, she's been acting weird this week. I don't know what's gotten into her, but she's been extra giggly and bouncy lately. Not that it bothers me or anything; I love seeing her happy. But it was just out of the green, and I can't figure out what has her so thrilled.

I spit the gross toothpaste into the sink, then I rinse my toothbrush. After putting everything away, I walk back into my bedroom. Luca's still sitting on his bed, but the journal's mysteriously disappeared.

He folds his hands in his lap and grins at me all innocently. "It's really sunny out today," he says.

I nod, but I narrow my eyes at him. He's so secretive with that journal that it kind of makes me mad. Like, if you don't want anyone to know about it, then why do you write in it all the time? I just don't understand. And now I know for sure that he's hiding it somewhere in this room, since he didn't leave the room the entire time I was brushing my teeth.

I shouldn't even really care about that journal, anyways. But it's annoying to watch him use it. All he writes about in there is the stupid girl he likes, even if he won't admit it. I just wish he could forget about her for one day and focus on me.

Uh, and his family... and Giulia. And whoever else he knows.

I walk over to him and tap his chest with the back of my hand. "You coming to work with me today?" I ask him.

'Please say yes. Please say yes.'

"You know it!" he replies.

'I'm so lucky.'

He starts to get off the bed, but stops himself and rests his foot over his leg. "Uhh... Alberto?" he asks, suddenly nervous. He looks down and puts his hands on his knees.

I get a little concerned. What's suddenly wrong? I hope he's not sick or anything. "Yeah, Lu?"

"Weeell...." Luca leans back a little and brushes that one big curl out of his eyes. "This is a little awkward to ask, but...."

I smirk and put my hands on my hips. He's cute when he's nervous. "Nothing's too awkward for the epic Lifeguard Alberto," I joke, smoothing my hair back.

This seems to lighten him up. He laughs and fidgets with his fingers. "Well, when you put it that way...." He looks up at me and sits up straight, putting his palms together. He takes a breath and exhales slowly. "Do you think I can be... 'Lifeguard Alberto's'...," he points his hands at me, "... assistant...?"

I gasp, getting a huge grin on my face. "You want to help me with lifeguard duties?" I ask, grabbing his hands and pulling him forward a little. I've never heard of such a great idea before. In fact, I bet it's one of the all-time most best ideas.

"I-if you don't mind," Luca replies, grinning back as his shoulders relax.

"If I don't mind? Luca, what did I tell you last summer?" I put my hand on top of his. "We're a team, remember? When we work together, we're pretty much unstoppable."

He practically lights with happiness, and he reaches forward and hugs my waist. It takes me by surprise, and at first I just freeze up. I had no idea he was going to do that, but I'm not complaining. I lean down and hug him back, probably smiling bigger than I realize.

I imagine he's going to let go in a few seconds, but he doesn't. So I take this chance to hug him tighter, kind of like a squeeze-hug. My cheek is resting on his soft hair, and as weird as it is to say, I wish I could keep feeling the softness of it. It's like a thousand soft puppies combined into one curly mess of cuteness.

I wish we could keep hugging like this all day, but I have to get to the beach soon. So when he hugs me tighter too, I mess with him a little. "Agh- oh no...." I put my hand to my heart, fake-coughing. "You're squeezing... all the air out...! Agh... not... gonna make it...!"

Sink or Swim - Luca x AlbertoHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin