Regardless of the reason, she still ended up crying again. Kai must have asked for it when he was there.

She took a glance at the photo again and smiled as she wipe her tears. She stared at it as if she was memorizing every detail and that's when she realize how beautiful they were. They're so lovely with those gummy smiles. Their eyes, which looked so familiar, shine like the stars in the night sky. And their cute little thick lips, wow they're kind of similar to hers but she didn't give much thought about it. They're actually too young to tell what they exactly look like. Besides, their features would probably change when they grow older.

When Jennie saw the mole under Luna's left eyebrow, she subconsciously touched her mole in the same location.

"Wow, what a coincidence." She mumbled underneath her breath. She can't believe they have the same mole! Then, when her gaze fell back to Aelia, her eyes widen when she saw the mole under her eye. She knows someone with a mole in the same place. It is the same. Now, she realizes why those brown eyes look so familiar. It was the same color as that persons'.

"This is weird but how?" It was like they were reincarnated into someone else's baby although they were still alive. It's impossible, so she shook her head and tried to get rid of that idea.

Still, she feels something warm in her heart seeing those two angels. She thought, maybe its because she had been feeding them her milk. So, they're somewhat connected for that reason. That's how she convinced herself.

She sighed and thought that if only her baby was alive, would she look as beautiful as them?

Then the next thing she checked out was what was inside the box. She was thinking that it might be something Kai bought for himself but her curiosity got the best of her so she opened it. She was careful though, so she wouldn't mess it up. She wouldn't want Kai to know that she touched it if it's not for her.

What she took out from the box was a heart-shaped cake with tiny little hearts on it. And on the center, it says, "Thank you, Auntie Ruby."

So, it was indeed for her. LM is probably the one who gave it. It was the twins' first-month celebration yet they're the ones who sent a cake? Well, that's kind of irony but she appreciates it so much, especially the polaroid. Now, she knows what they look like and she's happy to see that they both look so healthy. She feels good knowing that she contributed something to their lives.

Speaking of LM, Jennie still doesn't know who that person is. The only things she knows about that person are their address and that he's the twins' father. She doesn't even know what LM stands for but still, she never tried to ask, afraid that she'll sound like a creep.

It's not like it is necessary though.

She picked up a knife and cut the cake. Then she began eating without waiting for Kai anymore. It's for her anyway. So, why not eat it. Besides, it is from Aelia and Luna, so she has to savor it.

When she was already finishing one-fourth of the cake, Kai came out of his room. Looks like he already finished showering. So, she called him and cheerfully said, "Brother, come and eat this cake with me." It was as if she wasn't crying for hours. Her swollen eyes shine genuinely though so he smiled and obliged.

He took a seat next to Jennie and the woman handed her a fork. He's happy that she seems to be genuinely happy although she just broke down earlier. Maybe it's because of the twins.

"How was the party there?" She asked and stuffed a spoonful of cake into her mouth.

"It looks fun. They were enjoying even though there were only a few people. I think she only invited their family and friends," he started while recalling the time he was in Lisa's house.

Well, it was a simple party but everyone seems to be enjoying it, so it was nice.

"She? Who are you referring to as 'she'?" She asked.

"Lisa," he answered.

"Who's that? The twins' auntie?" She was told by Kai before that only a woman was receiving the milks and they haven't seen the father of the twins. So, she's thinking it is that woman.

"Yes but don't be surprised. Lisa is actually not their aunt but their father," he said which stunned Jennie, making her choke on the cake she was eating.

Kai panicked so he immediately got some water and made her drink it.

"I told you not to be surprised," he said and chuckled when Jennie was finally okay.

"Who wouldn't be surprised? But what did you just say? Lisa, a woman is the twins' father. As in father? Not mother? Are they adopted or made through artificial pregnancy or something like that? So, LM is a woman?" She can't help to keep asking. She was just surprised. She had been assuming that LM was a guy but she is a 'she' all along unless she wants to go by a different pronoun.

"I don't know but that's what she said. I had been wondering why I haven't seen a man in their house aside from their driver, it turned out that she was the father all along. I'm just as surprised as you because who would expect it? She really looks like a woman though it doesn't seem that she's a transman, transwoman, or whatever. Ah, I was just blown away."

"If she is what I think she is, then I knew someone who's like her. I never believed that a woman could have male genitalia until I met one," she said and sigh.

"You what?" Kai asked in confusion.

"Never mind, just eat. And oh, how were the babies? Are they as healthy as they look in this polaroid?" Jennie asked enthusiastically while showing Kai, the polaroid picture of the twins.

"Yeah, they're both healthy and happy kids. Looks like Lisa is raising them well. They even like people, unlike other kids who hate it when people make a crowd in front of them." He said and Jennie was listening attentively as if she didn't want to miss even a single detail.

"Tell me more." She urged him.

"And oh, I noticed that Luna has the same mole as that one." He pointed at her mole under her eyebrow.

She nodded and said, "I noticed it too."

"Sister, is it just me, or do they both look like you?" He asked because he had been thinking about it seems earlier and then he realized that it was her cousin who they resemble.

"Nah, that's not possible. How can you even tell when they're still too young? Babies' facial features can still change when they grow up."


"Just because Luna and I have a mole on the exact same place, it doesn't mean that we look like each other," she said and chuckled.

"Fine but they don't even look like Lisa if I'll be honest with you. They got her eye color and hair color though." He said and shrugged his shoulders.

"Maybe they look more like their mother," she replied.

"I guess so too."

"Kai, I need to leave sooner. I think I'll leave next month because if I stay here longer, they might find me. However, I feel like I still don't want to go. I don't know, it's like something is stopping me," she suddenly said which stunned Kai. Why so soon?

"It's the twins, right? Even though you haven't seen them in person yet, you grew attached to them."

"Maybe you're right."


That would be all for tonight because my mom wants to turn the wifi off alreadyyyyy. I'll be back tomorrow. ⁽⁽ଘ( ˊᵕˋ )ଓ⁾⁾

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