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Pran left his house and went to his dorm as he was unable to bear the pain of what happened between his mom and him. He was frightened that they would send him away once again and he will not be able to see Pat or his family for a long time. Pran tried calling Pat but his phone was switched off. A fear gripped his heart as he felt something bad was going to happen. He tried contacting Pat's friends but none of them knew where he was. They even tried calling his sister but she said he had left his home few hours back. Pran tried searching for Pat in possible places but there was no information. He returned back home dejected as he did not want to stay at his dorm without Pat.

At Pran's house:

Pran returned home and was greeted by complete silence. As he was about to enter the room, he heard people talking. He could recognize his mom and dad's voice but the rest was known. He peeped into the room and was shocked to see Pat's parents there along with his parents. The next sentence spoken by them felt like a blow to his heart.

Pat's dad: Pat is missing. What should we do?

Pran: WHAT?

Everyone looked at the new person in the room in shock.

Pran could see that Pat's mom, dad and sister have been crying and his parents also looked worried.

Pran: What are you saying? What happened to Pat? Where did he go? I tried calling him but his phone..

Pran's Mom : Calm down baby. We are trying to figure things out.

Pran: But where did he go? He would never leave me and go. Did someone hurt him? Is he angry with me?

Pat's dad: It's not you Pran but me. He is angry with me because he came to know the truth behind our fights.

Pran: What do you mean?

Pran's mom and Pat's dad explains the real reason behind their family feud. Pran was shocked to know how much pain Pat's dad had caused his mother.

Pat's dad: I am responsible for all the pain that you kids have to go through. If only I had realized my mistake and apologized, I wouldn't have lost my son.

Pran: What do you mean by lose your son? He is okay. He should be somewhere near by. I just need to look for him. He will never leave me and go. He..

Pat'sdad: Pran, Pat is not here.We tried to look for him everywhere but he just vanished. He had an argument with me. When he learned the truth, he was filled with guilt and sorrow. He left because he could no longer bear the guilt of the pain he has caused you. He left a letter for you.

Pat's dad handover Pat's letter to him. As he read the letter tears started forming in his eyes.

My dear love Pran,

I know you have been expecting me to support you after what happened earlier today but I am sure after knowing the truth behind our parents feud you will hate me forever.

I have always wanted to be the best son for my dad. I blindly followed his hatred for your family. I cannot imagine the pain that I must have caused you when you were send away from your family because of me. As time went by I could no longer hate you. Finally I fell head over heels in love with you. I always wanted to be with you, protect you, love you but when I realized how my dad had betrayed your mother's friendship, I knew, everything can no longer be the same for us.

Forgive me for coming to your life and causing you so much pain. You have always been the cause of my smile. I cherish all the lovely moments that you shared with me. But now it's time for us to part.

One last thing, please bring music back into your life. You look so peaceful and happy when music is around you. I love you today, tomorrow and always.

Yours and Only Yours


The next part of the letter was addressed to his Pran's Mom. He passed the letter to her as he sat down unable to accept that Pat left him alone.

Pran's Mom POV:

I was shocked to hear that Pat left me a letter. I read the letter that Pran handed over to me. The letter bought tears in my eyes as I realized how much this kid loved my son and how my selfishness hurt my son.

Pat's letter to Pran's mom:

Hello Aunty

I know you never expected me to write a letter to you. I just didn't know how else to communicate my feelings to you. I know I have always been arrogant and disrespectful to you not knowing the reason behind your hatred. I don't blame you for your behavior. I want to thank you for raising such a beautiful human being like Pran who bought light and happiness into my life.

I want to apologize to you for what my dad did to you. I understand why you want to keep Pran away from me. Right now I cannot even trust myself. What if I turned out like my dad. What if I hurt my Pran? So I have decided to go away from him. Before I let go, I just need to do one last thing for him and I beg you to help me with it.

Please allow him to play music once again. Music has always been a channel to express his feelings. When you took away his music, it was like he lost a part of his soul. The thought that I am the reason for him losing his music makes me hate myself even more. Please help me reduce this guilt a little bit.

Once again I am sorry for all the pain that was caused to you by my dad and thank you for loving Pran so much.


Pran's mom could not process her feelings as she went through Pat's letter again and again. She looked at her son who was sitting there as if his soul has been taken out of his body. She then looked at her old friend who looked so dejected on losing his son.

Pat's dad POV:

I always thought I am the best father in the world but I could not have been more wrong. I have hurt my son so badly that he left me. Who can I blame for everything except myself. My boy had always loved me with his whole heart but I betrayed him. I literally tore his heart into pieces with my lie and hatred. I cannot face this boy who is in daze after losing my son. His grief is too much for us to handle. If only I had apologized for my deeds, I would still have my son with me. Eventhough I did so much wrong to Pat, he still asked his  sister to take care of us in his absence.

Pran's POV:

He left me. Pat left me. He didn't even ask me once what I wanted. Did he even love me? How can he leave me and go if he truly loved me?

Pran could not bear the pain that he was feeling. He started to blabber nonsense to relieve his pain.

Pran: He left me. Mom, Pat just let me go. I am so bad that he left me. I know, I never told him how much I loved him but he is the only one I loved since I understood love. I know I have always been reluctant to tell everyone about our relationship. But that was because I didn't want to lose him. I still lost him mom. How am I supposed to live now? Why would he love me so much and then let go of my hand?

Pran's Mom: Pran. Relax. He will come back baby. We will bring him back.

Pran: He will not. He does not love me anymore. He just left me.

Pran's Mom: No baby. He loves you so much dear. Please stop crying.

Pran: No..No...He doesn't love me....He doesn't lo....

Pran fainted before he could complete his sentence.

Everyone: PRANNN....

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