You get to the big golden statue of Freddy in the entrance before you get a response. "Rockstar Row. Come here, little man." You work your way towards the atrium, where employees and staff bots are making sure every stage light and fog machine works. Today's show is going to be massive so everything needs to be perfect. Freddy must also be in the recharge station all-day so he doesn't break down on stage again. The last time that happened, there was outrage in the crowd and mass hysteria as kids began crying and screaming. You wave to some people you know as you shuffle towards Rockstar Row. You pass through the sliding door and walk at a quicker pace. You need to get to Monty and convince the staff to let you hang out with him before his show at 6 PM. You arrive at Rockstar Row and start to run. The clacking of your dress shoes on the hard floor is so loud that you see Monty peek out of his window. He gives a beckoning motion with his hand. You turn the corner, duck under the red rope divider and slip through the door. Monty is right there to greet you and scoops you up into his arms. Monty feels so happy that someone actually came to see him. "You... really want to see me, don't you?" You ask Monty. "Well, not that bad! I'm just... glad." He says as he puts you back down. "How come you're here so early? I thought you didn't work in the morning." You begin to blush and stutter a bit. "I- uh... I t-thought it would be nice to h-hang out... with you. For a while." He smiles and laughs. "HAHA, you're just desperate, little man. You can't resist this gator."

You give a little punch on his thigh as you go sit on the couch. Your breathing is still fast from running all the way here. He follows suit and sits next to you. "So what would you even want to do with a robot all day? I can't do too much anyway, I have my show today." Monty has to be on low-power until his show, so it's not like you can do a lot with him except walk around the pizzaplex and say hi to the kids. "Say, Monty, we go and say hello to some of your fans? They would love to see you up close for a short while and maybe shake your hand!" He turns to you, brow raised. "Don't treat me like I'm a celebrity, kid. I don't seek validation through selfies and handshakes. That's petty." You scoff at Monty jokingly. "CeLeBriTY, my ass. This is for the kids. They want to see you, Monty. Let's just go, you'll like it." "No." "Monty, please just do it." You grab his hand and pull him off the couch. He gives a little help but barely moves off the couch. "Monty, stop being a bummer. Let's have fun. You can't stay here all day." "Sigh, FINE." He finally stands up and follows you out of his room. His slouch makes him appear weak. You look behind to make sure he is still following. "Oh, for fucks sake." You mutter under your breath before you speak. "Monty, could you at least look... tall? Quit acting like a baby, I thought you were strong." "W-WHAT? I'M NOT A BABY!" Monty puffs up his chest and improves his posture. Now he's as you remember. "I'm just being hard on ya, gator boy. You never act like this so I had to get you with that. Oh, and your glasses are tilted." Monty shifts them back. You both arrive at the main entrance, and a party of kids walk in as you pass the main gate. "Is that Monty? Monty! Hi Monty!" He turns around to see a small boy waving at him. You give him a nudge and a nod towards the boy. "Well, go say hi! He likes you."

 Monty goes back through the gate and kneels to say hi. The boy is a measly 4'6". He seems about 10 years old. He has medium-length blonde hair swooshed to the side and greyish-blue eyes. He dons a pair of square-framed glasses and a green shirt with white stripes. Monty puts on a toothy grin and a what-seems-to-be happy voice. "Well look who it is! It's Jacob, all ready for a blast at this here fine establishment!" He got that from a facial scan. Jacob must have been here before. "I'm here to play golf and Fazer Blast and watch the show today! I can't wait to see you Monty!" Monty roughs up Jacob's hair with his giant hand and stands back up. "Well aren't you a lucky boy! Today will be the greatest day ever! Here, this is just for you and your friends." He takes out an entry pass that grants entry for up to 5 people. Perfect for their group of 5. "W-wow! Thank you so much, Monty!" Jacob hugs Monty's leg. Monty responds to Jacob and his crew. "Well now, you all should be off now. Go through the gate and have fun! I'll see y'all tonight!" The cluster of kids run through the gates. Monty walks back to you.

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