The Morning After

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5 am
I hear people talking wondering who's in our house. I open my eyes as I slowly wake up. As soon as I am fully awake I realise I must have fallen asleep in the living room while watching TV.

I get up and get dressed and quickly leave to go for my daily swim in the morning.
It's a cold day in mid december,it's very cold but still very nice. There's a little fog outside but it's not bothering me too much.

I leave the house to go get to the sea. The sea is always very foggy due to the water and stuff.

6 am
I can't quite see where the sea starts but I can already hear the sound of the waves - I always loved to hear the sound of the waves.

8 am
I come home after my swim which was awesome today. It felt really refreshing.  I haven't felt like this in a long while. Maybe talking to Patrick yesterday has helped. Maybe Marion was right. Right about that I should spend more time with Patrick. I might admit it to her later today.

I open the front door. Everything is still the same as I left it. Where is Marion? Was last night real and not just a dream? I am pretty sure I dreamed all if it.

Theres a voice coming from Patrick room. Is it Marion?
I listen closely to figure out who it is but I cant because it's too quiet.
I sit down in the kitchen,smoking.
I look down at the kitchen table,what the fuck is that paper I can spot in the corner of my eyes? There's a folded paper laying on the kitchen floor.
I quickly pick it and unfold it with one hand,my cigarette in the other.

My eyes stare at the paper. I can't believe what I am reading. LAST NIGHT WASNT A DREAM IT WAS REAL. MARIONS GONE.

I scream her name hoping she's here,hoping she has come back but she doesnt answer. Instead of Marion answering I hear Pamela,the nurse Marion got for Patrick,screaming back at me "She's not here. I don't know where she is either. You both can be lucky I got a pair of my own keys to your house."
Pamela is walking towards the kitchen so we can talk.
"Where is Marion?" I ask ,"Do you know where she is?"
Pamela stays quiet and I can tell from her look she's giving me that she doesn't know where Marion is.
Pamela goes back to her work and leaves me alone.

9 am
Pamela just left. Now I am alone with Patrick. What am I supposed to do with him and how do I take care of him?
I need to find Marion and ask her to come back to this place.
I know I haven't treated her well the past years but I needed to protect me and do all of this to keep my job. She ruined everything.

5 pm
Pamela comes back again. I'm still sitting in the kitchen,not moved since this morning. I just don't know how to handle this.

When  Pamela finished her work she walks up to me,wearing her white dress kinds thing that nurses wear. "Has Marion finally left you? I always knew there's something wrong here",she says.
I ignore her simply because I don't want to talk to anyone right now.
"You can't leave Patrick alone all day,Mr.Burgess.He can get a new stroke every minute. He needs to be watched." she says in a strict voice.
"He wasn't alone. I was home all day." I reply.
"You know exactly what I mean. See you tomorrow."
And then she left.

9 pm
The Nurse just left and I get up to go into -  bed falling asleep quickly...

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Jan 19, 2022 ⏰

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