And we were Roommates (Reiyo)

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A/N: A Rei x Kuyo one shot for some very special people I know. ;3 You know who you are. 

Anywho! Here's a one shot involving some roommates with a side of angst. Enjoy!

Love ya guys! ^-^


The second his alarm clock started blaring, Kuyo was ready to commit a murder. Or maybe a slightly less violent crime. 

He wasn't sure yet. All he knew was that he didn't want to wake up for class today and just remain tucked under the blankets like he was doing now.

But alas, his grades depended on it. He had an organic chemistry project due on Thursday and his group mates were meeting up one last time to put the finishing touches on it today.

Unfortunately, they picked the most ungodly hours to do so. And it was right before his Chemistry lecture too...

God, why did he decide going into the medical field was a good idea? He could've been a lumberjack or taken up some other random *ss job. Yet here he was, trying to make it in a field that tried to drive all potential prospects mad before they even saw their first patient.

Kuyo groaned, burying his head under the blankets as his alarm continued to scream at him. He eventually reached a hand out and fumbled for the button, smacking his hand down the moment he found it.

Blissful silence wrapped itself around him once more as he sunk back into his sheets, letting his eyes drift close. It wouldn't hurt to sleep in for a few more minutes, right?

However, he wasn't allowed to fall back asleep. For a body flopped down right on top of him, strong arms coming to wrap around him, even through the sheets.

The man yelped, quickly trying to peak out from the cocoon he had nestled himself into. "What the-?! Rei! Get off!"

His eyes landed on that stupidly bright smile, those tangerine eyes of his glittering with mischief. "Morning sleepy head!" He either didn't listen to the annoyance in Kuyo's voice or he did and just didn't care. Though if he were to bet, Kuyo would guess it was the latter of the two.

He should've known his partner (both in crime and in life) would've come to wake him up. Rei was never one to let him sleep in on important days. That and Kuyo had the feeling Rei took a guilty pleasure out of tackling him while he was still in bed in the mornings.

He'd never admit it to anyone but himself, but he secretly enjoyed the action. He wasn't one for physical affection yet he constantly craved it from him. There was just something about the green haired lightning rod that made him feel safe and cared for.

But it was also what scared him into having his reserves on this. He feared losing this strange and sacred thing they had started. He feared attachment only to lose him in the end.

They were still trying to figure things out and take things slow, but he could easily get used to this.

Still, Kuyo played along and rolled his eyes. "Why do you insist on doing this to me?"

The other man rested his chin on his shoulder, a smirk playing on his lips. "Would you rather I let you sleep in and miss your group session?"

Kuyo tried not to pout, he really did. But Rei was already starting to snicker to himself and he was too tired to care. ""

"That's what I thought." He rolled off of him, pulling off the sheets and exposing him to the cold air. "Come on. Get up."

That little-!

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