The Acts of Sadistic Personality Disorder

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She lay in bed trembling next to her boyfriend, who was now sound asleep. She lay there naked with regret, shaking in fear, not from adrenaline from what she just encountered. She lay there trying to remember where this all went wrong; trying to remember when the first signs of this tragedy appeared in her boyfriend. She ran her fingers down her body, clothed in sweat, wincing as her finger tips grazed each bruise.

She knew her safety was in danger, but she loved him. At first, it was something that she could deal with, but now his actions scared her more than anything. She shuttered as she started thinking back to their first date, finding the little hints of his threats indirectly placed in the scene. Small warnings she didn't pick up on or decided to ignore.

The greeter opened the door for the young, beautiful Kate Windson, a regular customer at the bar of the restaurant. But tonight she came here with a table reserved for two, and a black dress that showed just enough skin to impress.

At the table sat overly confident, but handsome Randy Springs. He stood up as Kate approached the table, high heels clicking with each step she took. She smiled at Randy as their eyes met. Right when he was about to take her to her seat, a waiter swept by, accidentally bumping into Kate. Randy scowled and right when he was about to scream, stopped, remembering he had to make a good first impression for Kate. She had noticed his tension towards the man, but ignored it so she would have a good date. And so the date went on, the two of them enjoying themselves and each other’s presence.

Time went on, one date turned into dozens, and ‘just friends’ turned into more. Soon Kate and Randy found themselves in an intimate relationship and living together. But not only did their love increase, but so did his predominance.

Kate pressed a bruise on her arm, remembering when they were at his friend's dinner party. She winced more out of the memory than the pain he had given her. She looked over at the man she had fallen in love with, feeling torn; not knowing what was best for her. Who was the man she had seen that night?

Everyone from the neighborhood and work were at the party, and Randy had sucked Kate into tagging along. He introduced her to everyone he knew, and then sent her off to enjoy herself. Everybody mixed and mingled throughout the night, including the two lovers. Kate was in the middle of a conversation with Randy's friend Samuel, when Randy came to interrupt.

"You’re flirting with my friends you little slut?" He sneered.

Kate looked puzzled at him. "No I was just talking to your friend about work..." She trailed off. He gripped her shoulder tightly and ripped her away from the conversation.

"If I see you messing around with one of my friends again, you will regret it big time." He let go and walked away full of anger.

He stomped over to the punch bowl, pouring himself a glass, his head swarming in thoughts. That bitch better get her act together. Who the hell does she think she is, thinking she can act this way around me?! She has no right to pay the slightest attention to any other man, especially one of my friends! She needs to learn where her damn priorities are.

A hand touched his shoulder softly, interrupting his thoughts. Randy turned around to see himself face to face with Kate.

"I want to go home." She whispered.

"So the little slut wants to go home huh? Well no! I'm not finished here." He stormed off.

He found his way to the secretary girl, a thin “hottie” that was about 23 or so. "Hi Randy, what's up!" She swayed back on her heels then to her toes.

He sighed, "See that girl by the punch bowl? That's my girlfriend, but she is such a damn slut. You're not a slut are you Susie?"

"Uhhh... No sir." She replied confused.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02, 2013 ⏰

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